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Simusi Realm

Song of the Schimmels.....

You enter a strange, new universe, a realm of strangeness and beauty. You feel you have been here before, but no! It is the realm of the Siiamans, the rulers of this universe set apart from all others....

Welcome to Simusi Realm!

Updates: February 6th

Well, Katt decided to take a short break from writing her novel, and wrote a short myth. There's gonna be more than that came from, I can tell ya! This 'un was really fun for me to edit..anyho, click here to read it!-Schim

Update: Jan 15:Well, I finally posted the prologue to my untitled story.... *sigh* You deffinetely ain't going to see it finished any time soon, though. Oh well... the prologue is here if anyone wants to read it... ~Katt

people have been here since....I can't remember when.

"What are we but pieces in a game of Senet, created for the God's amusement? Our lives go off course so often, it must be so." --Innu Lemici

Email: Katt, Schim, BCA, or Oney

Questions? Comments? Email us, or write it in the guestbook.


Okay! I've decided on the plot for the next C of A that I'm writing, and it's well underway. It mught take a while, but I think I'll get it finished soon enough.

Basicly, it's about the stuff that happens before "The Fall of Summersea". So, this is where Kassai fits in. You've heard her mentioned before, now you'll find out who she is. AND Innu FINNALLY gets introduced properly. About time, too...Fever also plays a larger part in this C of A. Which is kind of good, I think....and a familiar squirrel-fox makes an appearance as well. YES, Regan is in this one. And you'll find out that he's just as nasty when he's a kid as when he's grown....grr.=)

Well, that's all I can tell you for now, until I get everything figured out.=)

As for the OTHER one that I'm working on, it's another historical one. It takes place in Somania, about ten years before the other one that I'm writing. Am I confusing you? Good.

In this one, there's a lot of stuff that previously wasn't known to AnYONE except for me and Schim. Like, the fact that before Briar Moss aquired a position as king T'kk'yra's advisor, he was a street rat, doing whatever he could to survive. Or that Briar himself is the reason that today Ponoka is such a bitter person. Hmm...I think this one's gonna be good.=)

would it hurt you to sign the guestbook? I didn't think so.

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would it hurt you to veiw the guestbook?I didn't think so.

All things of or relating to Aisai are Šof Katt Monroe and Schim Lemici. Please use Aisaian ideas or direct text only with permission.