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Crap 'bout the Holy One.... hehee

My cousin and me when I was about 5
Alritey me... I have been labeled as odd and weird and all that good shit but hey i say if you cant' be yourself who the hell r you going to be?? Some peeps go around all depressed & stuff but I hate that. OK life is not bad for most of you, your not dying of some awful disease, your not living in some 3rd world country dying of famine (danger large words on my page) and your not Bill Clinton, so cheer up!!! Life is kewl and worth living so go ahead & do it!!

I grew up for a bit in N.S, Canada, its a pretty kewl place. I Love the ocean although there it's so cold you freeze off your precious belongings (men listen up.) Now i live in Calgary and think it's just a wannabe of the arctic. I have a brother who's stoned out on weed most of the time, or working hard at Mcdicks flipping burgers. My parents are normal which is amazing considering what you know bout the rest of my family. I also have a basset hound named daisy, and a horse named Red.

The Most Recent Pic of Me-----> Me of course
Awwww see when I was young I used to do some normal stuff hehe:)
Please see give to your lung society or else amie will die.. hey I can hear you clapping in the background!!

<--- Daisy the dog.... no the dog... umm n/m

<-- My parents on our patio