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Hey everyone!!!! Welcome to TEEN-ZONE, the web page exclusively for teens! Thanks for vistiting this web page. For those of you who have been here before, I have made a few changes. This month, there won't be a survey. Instead, I would like you to answer this question: "What bugs you?" I hope that I will get a lot of responses,and, I will post the best answers that I receive. So, if you could e-mail us with your answers we'd appretiate it. Also, while you are e-mailing us we would be grateful if you could include any suggestions for the web page or even some survey suggestions. Thanks!!!!
I would like to thank you all for the overwhelming reply I got for the last survey. Here are some of the answers: The favorite sport of today's youths would seem to be football. Something which did not come as a surprise was that all of the people who responded to the survey enjoyed watching television better than reading (don't worry, I won't tell your teachers or your parents!). As for favorite foods, I got a wide range of answers...anything from pizza and pasta to burgers and fries. (Personally I like more exotic foods, like Chinese and Indian dishes!) Well, the best movie in the theatres was an obvious answer. When I wrote this survey, however, the movie I am referring to hadn't yet hit it big. But, it did, and it was a sweeping vote that Titanic, the movie that couldn't fail (or could it?), was the best. I have to say, that personally, I was not overly impressed with Titanic. You can all e-mail me later about this, but, I think that Titanic was way too overrated, and, quite frankly, I didn't enjoy it. Anyway, the last answer that you all agreed upon was that cappuchino was better than cafe au lait. Thanks very much for all of your answers...and remember: send me answers for this months question, "What bugs you?".

What to do?? have entered the TEEN-ZONE and you are wondering: "What the heck am I going to do now???" Well have no fears, there is plenty to do here. We have been sure to jam-pack as much as we can into this page so that our visiters will never get bored. For starters you can send us your answer to the question. Okay? Go now, we'll still be here when you get back....go ahead! Okay, I assume that you are back now from sending us your answers, again you are wondering what to do. Well we also have included plenty of awesome links to a variety of pages, including chat lines, other homepages and game sites. Trust me...these sites are great, they have been scanned and tested by all of us here at TEEN-ZONE! The best thing of all to do here by far is the chat room. Directly below, as you can see, there is a chat room. You can go on there and chat about whatever interests you. Tell your friends about the chat room so that there will be more people to chat to! So, now that you know what there is to do here grab a cup of coffee and sit back and relax as you enter the TEEN-ZONE.
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Autumn's Top 5 Movies of All Time

  • Number 5: My Cousin Vinny
  • Number 4: The Godfather Movies
  • Number 3: Jackie Brown
  • Number 2: Resevoir Dogs
  • Number 1: Pulp Fiction

Autumn's Wicked Links

Muchmusic Web Site
Teen Connection Chat
Shockzone: cool games etc.
The Blackhole
Laangefille's homepage
