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You can use this area to add bits of information or links to other sites or for small pictures no wider than 150 pixels.

Templates are built using basic HTML. This makes it easy for you to add new features like Javascript or CGI programs.


You can easily change the names and functions of each of the links on the menu to better suite your own needs. You can also easily exchange the Flash logo above with your own graphic logo by renaming one file. All templates come with helpful setup options so you can customize your website for your particular business without having to learn any new software.

Written in simple HTML, every template features helpful setup options. Globally change the font sizes and colors by editing a single file as opposed to updating each page singly. Change to a graphic logo by renaming one file. Add a new link button on the menu by editing a single text file, plus other helpful options.

Created October 23, 1999 Updated June 27, 2004