Page of Dreams
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Page of Dreams

Dream Away I am big on dreams. I always wanted to know what they mean and why I have them. I believe everyone should keep a dream journal, you know, where you write down all your dreams and what you think they mean. Then you can come on my page and ask me what I think they mean. Below I have listed a few things that I found interesting about objects in dreams.

Things in Dreams & What They Mean

If you Dream about: Acorns: You will find luck, good fortune and your problems will soon be resolved.

Coconuts: You'll will be soon recieving a gift. A good chance the gift could be money.

Crow: Not all the good. You will experience some sadness.

Future: When someone has a dream about themselves in the future, something unexpected will be coming

up. Ghost: Actually a good omen. It means good luck. Unless the ghost frightened you, then you will do

something you don't want to. Horse: You should e-mail me on that one, there are so many meanings but generally means things will be going easy for you for awhile.

Ice Cream: Yum, not only does it taste good but it forecasts good times ahead, sucess and advantages.

Kitten: Romance is coming your way.

Butterfly!!!: You will be meeting new people if you see one of these!

Ladybug: You will find success in something you have worked hard on.

Soap: Soap sometimes has a really strong scent to it. Sometimes it's so strong you smell it in your dreams. If you do then you will find happiness, most likely in love.

Log: Yes, it's true. If you dream about sawing a log in half then home conditions will be improving.

The Giggle: If you dream of a giggle then watch and be careful, you might face some embarrasment.

These are only a few of the things I will answer. If you don't see what you are looking for, email me at the address below and I'll tell you what it means. I will be posting more later, so don't worry!

