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Cherish Now



holding one another, with tenderness and love

a love that is captured not by force


by the waves that paints

magical pictures upon the shores



like dream catchers

float easily upon the waves with joy and laughter

in a realm where age and time are only but a mirage

and sand castles, crafted by the hearts of children

cannot be damaged by the storms of

shallowness and ignorance



of longing, waves of emotions fill us

as endless drops of water

which makes the dance that fill the blue sea,

in harmony with all creatures, great and small

that sing the colors of the rainbows and listen

beyond the depth of forever



now this moment

gifted to us by gods and goddesses

where emotions, thoughts and love

are reunited in splendor


where again,

two hearts beat as one

and footprints

which are endlessly washed away by today's waves

will always remain imbedded

within the Universe of our Love

Joyce & David,

Celebrating Love in the 4-Fold Pathway,

Carita, July '95


Flight to Irian Jaya....


twilight enters to call on this last still silent turned evening

this sunday has almost shed the hours of this day



while the winds once again ask the sky for rain before midnight

and her bags are packed once again, once again

we say goodbye


when lovers leave one another the moments justify and linger

the balance scale of time sways with evenness then

tilts down


we cast glance at one another's eyes touch hands gently often

splash water naked in the bathtub and kiss cheeks

in passing


now pack now dress now check this and now check that again

now the thunder rolls and the hours have become

minutes again


I will always love you in staying or leaving makes little difference

I will love you in sleep or in flight and

I will be here today always


we are both symbolic to say hello goodbye both hold this instant

both enwrapped within wings of 2 birds forever in flight

forever bound....

David for Joyce, 1998


I Miss


in the morning I miss the warmth of seeing my love

laying gently by my side before I rise to the new day

I move quietly out from the bed and always look back

she lays still upon the bed caressed by the pillows

I always give myself this moment to look within peace

and see the one I cherish touched by morning sun....


Goodnight Sweetie....

See you in Dreamtime....

Somewhere out there,

in the flight of sunrise....

David for Joyce, October 17, 1998


Who Is She?


tonight is dark and quiet,

dimly lit by starlight

I sit and look into my mind and reflect the day

the time spent alone,

the time spent without you


who is she that takes my breath away silently

who is she that gives to me windwing in flight

who is she that whispers softly in the night alone


only you who surround my shadow with music

and kiss me gently whether here or there....


Goodnight pretty lady,

know you are loved....

David for Joyce, October 18, 1998




today i received a blank note

was never sent only received

within was all i needed to hear

a silent heartbeat from her breast

David for Joyce, October 21, 1998




i remember kissing the shore of a distant land long ago

something familiar sang to me as sailing leaves drifted by

this was something I could not touch yet knew so well

for there was nothing left both travel and day complete


little is foreign in the pitch of night no darkened shadows

crease my will or shag and tug at my closed eyes now

i care only of the soft memory that stills my sleepless soul

and play at the safe return of your warmth by my side....

tomorrow will never come for tomorrow never comes today

for some that may be a curse for some folly for me laughter

i have loved the air with my breath and lured the breast close

and have seen your face in pictures a thousand times vanish


oh life and death listen to my heart stilled once again within

the gift I share with you could never be shared by another

the gift you share with me a season blessed in winter white

i wash my hands slowly in the waters and await your moment


in this instant I may touch forever....

David for Joyce, December 13, 1998




today is only a day

my today is with you

where do we travel

we do not really know

God chooses the path

we follow the Ether

our hands together

our wings in flight

our love simple


You are cherished.... deeply....

David for Joyce, Dec 25, 1998


 Until Then


as years pass forward, beloved

until we become as foams of the sea


one thing will remain unchanged

as the stars in the skies


while all others may be beaten

by the years of passing seasons


a love like ours,

will always glitter even brighter than the stars

caught within our Heart and Eyes

for Eternity

Joyce for David, SF,

September 27, '98





there was a smile within the mysterious fog

as it welcomes the sun


one name was whispered to me

by the breeze of the dawn

a long echo

I looked back and caught your smile


one hope

was carried by the seagulls

calling and foreseeing far into the future

catching your silence


your fantasy has welcomed me


I now know your phantom

I now know your name

I now know your face

I now know your song


I await you,

in the horizon…

Joyce for David's phantom dream self,

Jakarta, March 05, '93




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