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are you responsible for being crazy, of course you are

and so are they and so are we a shared puzzle planned

we march in tune and tour fractured and dysfunctional

to the head headmaster we tromp asking to be normal

we are written tested, tested prodded scooped x-rayed

says they to us because they have the earned diploma

take these red and blues, and green and yellow pills

see him and her three times a week for today forever

do this do that listen to 'me' and you will be tao normal

and may take your place in the voting line next election

ah good, normal, tao normal at last my last

breath normal....


ain't normal grand, the vistas from afar,

looking splendorous for the

luxury of who or what ?


So your voices share during the late night.


beats isolation....


David for Karen




a feather floats between earth and heaven

swaying this way that way towards where

suddenly it stops the direction questioned

ether holds all motion still by winds magic

how wonderful the choice of middle mind...


David for Lamps


A Golden Second

this year we have held hands in Recovery across the world

no one could have predicted the tragic events of this year

as well as no one could have predicted the blessings shared

many soothsayers lay words of warning for the coming days

yet the alkathons across the world prepare for a night given

to heartwarming, gratitude and love

- a memory's celebration -

a gift of another 24


our Programs AA and NA, with Al-Anon and Naranon cherished

the splendor of Recovery has no doorway windows or rooms

the truth of Recovery is merely an 'idea shared within dreams'

years ago around New Years some people called newcomers

walked slowly hesitantly into rooms of people clean and sober

they were welcomed gifted with a simple handshake and talk

today they welcome others called newcomers


we have had a good year we have had a bad year maybe both

many remained regardless shared experience, strength and hope

for this is how it is the way it is within the heart of Recovery....

one small candle a Lamp, a How or a New Beginning the same flame

a woman a man a girl a boy all the same all different all sharing

a Meeting has many has few yet time and time again they show up

another 24 captured, seeds and flowers


just for today

just another day

look to this day

share this day


each day a new beginning a new sunrise and new sunset unending

in a moment we will greet the New Year, one another with love

we will wish peace blessings warmth happiness friendship

12 Steps

for a golden second across the world

there will be peace and love

shared by all to all from all,

for a second the world will bow peaceful

then another 24 will begin


I bow to my brothers and sisters across the world

I say Thank You....


Happy New Year to All....

David for AA, NA, Al-Anon, NarAnon




I have seen the light of my own eye through a vision upon the season

I dare to step to the edge not in fools harm yet maybe by a fools way

I cast my breath upon the air, my laughter upon the wind

I cast my heart upon the earth, my seed upon the fire

I have no idea if I will make a dent upon life, mine or yours, or the ether

yet I do know I have been present for I have heard my own echo....



Thank You Lamplighters, All....

David for Lamps



Who chairs the Meeting


High Bottom Alcoholics and Low Bottom Drunks

Each seeking there own levels of incompetence

Scorned and excluded from the opposite fence

They seek and earn their varied positions of life


David for CJ


Lighting a Lamp ?


Casting stick and stones from gravity's rainbows

We endeavor to heighten our tenure of egos rein

To show ourselves how high or low elite we are

Is there nothing I cannot 'slap' on my way down


How does a Lamplighter light a Lamp in the wind

Only the Fool would attempt this feat, again....

Yet there the Lamplighter is matches in the wind

Striking a useless burnt out match and shouting


When each day starts a new beginning so is told

And the lowly and highly meet at the 8 o'clock bell

Does not Higher Power of Tradition 3 gather also

Or is the Meeting to High or Low for Gods presence....



With love in AA and the Ether.... David....


David for Lamps



To Alcoholics & Addicts



The greatest difference between

a First World Country and a Third World Country....

is only in the sophistication of the



In a First World Country,

all real truth about the Country,

and about the Leaders of the Country

are kept 'secret' from the masses,

because the masses vote to support the



In a Third World Country,

all real truth about the Country,

and about the Leaders of the Country

are kept 'secret' form the masses,

because the masses are not allowed to vote to support the



The only real and honest difference

between a First and Third World Country

is the 'level of slavery' between

manufacturing products of technology and

products of necessity


The exact same equation holds integrity

between Upper Class and Lower Class citizens,

anywhere and everywhere....

for, and over, the last 10, 000 years....


The 'rift of consciousness'

between AA and Alcoholic / Addicts, and Medications....

is much the same....


With much love in 'all' Programs....


Ps. Please remember this is a Parable....

David for Lamps





in the four seasons of yore i stood

i pondered many the great thoughts

who is he who is she who is who is ?

i have taken search across waters

kissed the years gone fastpast now

wisps of wisdom and slowness mingle

yet i still stow my bag under your tree

and sit within the warmth of your love

i miss nothing everything and you....








a moment ago I stood naked at the edge, quiet

neither looking straight up or even straight down

no one was there with me not even my own ego

there was only I and the edge deeply forever

somehow I thought I heard voices singing maybe

the melody if that is what is was, was a whisper

only a slight whisper softly hidden in my mind

I believe I felt a single tear in one of my eyes

who was I to be alone who was I to be anything

there was nothing for me to do but to jump, I did

I fell over and over spinning until I fell into forever

then uncommon I found myself back at the edge

the universe was pleased the universe had laughed

I jumped again and again found myself upon the edge

in my end I to laughed the universe and I both laughed

I have seen the passing of life and time I am I reborn....



in the hours alone, there can be nothing left only

ourselves Toni.... and always together.


David for Toni



Little Lotus


ah yes little lotus

the petals of autumn

grow more colorful

as the season turns

tomorrow they will

hug and kiss the ground

the day after the wind....

David for CJ





a gift I cherish has been lifted into the dusk

with arms outreached I seek the Ether groping

asking friends and strangers alike why why why

my heart beats softly rhythm of the sacred drum

the drum and Ether know what others could not


tonight I feel the dark aloneness weighted tightly

yet within the shadow shines a lingering smile

something I remember from the long ago mist

a time of beginningness a time immortal justified

I feel the voice deeply within within my soul


a woman the voice of the women the voice stilled

almost an echo yet not quite the twice vibration

I cannot distinguish her voice or mine or both

though I feel the sacred womb again being filled

once again the breath of life to live reborned


dare I cry the joy of day or shed the tear of night

I will do both for to say goodbye is to say hello

the journey forever unfolding, again....


David for AA


play ball


there was no mound i stood upon

spinning and turning nothing in my hand

the game had been going on for seasons now

i faced him i did close enough eye to eye

strike out strike out my mind shouted passive

his heart viewed no fence just the horizon far

the field the men the bleachers the "announcer"

all accounted for silent waiting not a whisper

there was no wind up no delivery no swing

no roar of the crowd as the illusion came

there was no winner no looser of course not

yet the thrill lingers lingers lingers alive within

there was no mound i stood upon

spinning and turning nothing in my hand....


David for Lamps





Hilary, my friend set sail last night, alone

I believe I saw him on the bow of that ship

There was a small crew, they knew their job

I could not quiet figure if the day was sunrise

Or if the sun was setting in the far distance

I do know Hilary never looked back to shore

He seemed to stand soft on the ship bow

Hands together not in prayer, just together

He did not sea sway for the sea was calm

Hilary was calm with the sea and Sea Captain

I watched for some time the soft horizon

I watched for some time the sails of the ship

I watched my friend touch the invisible edge

And with brilliance fade into the endless journey

Hilary, myself, the ship and crew and God....


Another sleep,

another Journey

my friend.... the day awaits....


David for Lamps






what is a date of sobriety how do we measure time

how can we measure the quality of time or its essence

is there a handicap allowed between new and old time

and what do you get for a trophy after a day or ten years


if I resist time with my dos or your dos

will I be affected

can I compare my day

with your days or my days with your day

is my date of sobriety important,

maybe yes or no depending

depending on if I care or if you care

and who celebrates the date


the most pride I ever took with 'my' dos

was at 90 days and 365 days


cause I was new and I worked hard

and I earned those days

I have a lot of days now

all strung together so what is my dos now

yesterday and today

some before that and some coming tomorrow


I do have a date of sobriety

and the coyote does howl at the moon....


With Love in AA and the Ether....

David for Addicts



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