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Jenna's Pokemon Central
Hi & Welcome!! Please Sign my guest book and make all my pokemon happy!!
Hi! everyone, thanks for visiting Jenna's N64 & Pokemon Central! Always come here for the latest codes! I hope you like the new title! Please E-mail me with new games or codes. Hi! I just wanted to say for all you people who send me attachments i appreciate it but i would prefer you didnt because my e-mail some times gets messed up by it. but thanx any way! Hey i added new pokemon to my adoption center!! And I added a download page!! Try it out!!
Codes for english Version
I know only two codes for this game. But they are really cool!

Fishing in a statue.

To fish in statue you must firt go to MISTYS GYM. Go to the statue om the right and face the side to the left of the writings. Get out your rod and fish but when you start fishing you'll fish in the statue!

Different begining sounds

To get different begining sounds when title page comes up wait a couple seconds and different pokemon will appear. Wait till one you like then press A and it'll make that pokemon's sound.
For more English version codes click here!

Pokemon Stadium is a new N64 Pokemon game that is out in Japan. This game is costing around 3100 yen ($47.50) has already hit the million seller list. This game has a new feature where you can hook up your GB to the N64 and transfer information. This feature comes with the game. Pokemon Stadium is expected to come out here in 1999 first quarter. I expect It'll be first on everyones list.


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