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Full name Melissa Joan Catherine Hart
Date of birth 18/04/76
Birthplace Long Island, New York
Home town Greenwich Village, New York
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Occupation Actress
Siblings Trisha, Liz, Emily, Brian, Alexandra, and Samantha
Pets A dog (Whiskers), a cat (Trigger), and a duck (Flipper).
Favorite color Green
Favorite type of music Rap
Favorite school subject Math
Favorite time of year Spring
Favorite sport Snowboarding
Cars Toyota Celica, Jeep
Houses The family home, a condo in Pennsylvania, on campus at NYU
Favorite pigout food: Black Olive Pizza.
The books she has been reading: All of Jane Austen's novels.
Pizzed possession: A music box that my grandmother used to play to
put me to sleep. Personal hero: Shirley Temple.
Nobody knows she is: A big drama Queen.
She wish she could stop: Being so sarcastic.
She is better than anyone else when it comes to:
Taking care of little kids. Her fantasy is: Being on a desert island with her family and they're like the Swiss Family Robinson, building a little hut and looking for food.
People who knew her in high school thought she was:
A dork. Everyone changed when they got to high school except she. She still dressed like a kid. She wasn't into music or fashion.
Most irrational act: In 5th grade she broke a thermometer and didn't
tell the teacher. She has always felt guilty. Best time of her life: One weekend when her family went canoeing and camping.
Worst time of her life: When she had strep throat but she had to work anyway.
If she wasn't an actress, she would be: Going to college, thinking about a career.
Major Accomplishment: Teaching dance to little kids and starring on "Clarissa Explains It All."
Most humbling experience: Having the kids tell me she was a has-been in high school.
Three words that best describe Melissa: Creative, Independent and Wired.

