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dOmAiN oF tHe HaPpY LiTtLe NaRwHaL

have a sno cone...its on me.

WeLcOmE to my, you will find oddities of all sorts. Both from my mind...and the minds of others as weird as i. This page is full of neato torpedo happy-type stuff...It's gotta be the hat, right? right.
oh yes...i wanted to say hello to all my friends. this means you, and you...and yes, i guess even you. and to you i say "let's go get a mint" YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!whaddaya say?!!!

i stick my tongue out at you...nyah nyah nyah this is a good GREENDAYsite. go to it now.
You silly, silly pie head. what were you thinking? you can't just turn down the coconut refugees like that! right therese? RIGHT! I want to go to LaHoya, sit in a tidepool, and drink a fruit beverage. care to join me?
WaTcH OuT FoR ExPlOsIoNs AnD SwOrD-FiGhTiNg!!!
This is my island in the sun...where it is
well children...story hour is up...time to go home...then again, if you give me the rest of your baloney sandwich...i may rethink that.
as time goes on, as it often will...remeber me and the impact i had on your life. REMEMBER...manatees dont jump...they levitate
Pssssst....HEY! you! yeah, you. do you have a problem with pepperoni as much as i do? go here then, seek help, be merry. No...not mARRIED you fool...merry!...
Go here to be relieved of your pain...*sniff sniff*
SEND ME MAIL NOW!!! please...look down at the very bottom of the on the words COWTIPPPER@AOL.COM fill out the mail form...its that simple!
rEaD mY HaPpY gUeStBoOk
SiGn mY HaPpY GuEsTbOoK
CAN YOU HEAR ME? or is there goblins in your head EATING MY WORDS? sign the guestbook i say...SIGN IT NOW!!! please. thank you.
WE INTERRUPT OUR SHOW TO BRING YOU THIS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: the milk you see in cereal commercials is not really's glue. THANK YOU, and now, back to the show.hee hee hee
AND NOW...drumroll please....TAKE! mY! SURVEY!!!!! please.
yeah yeah...i hear you cry...and ostriches golf!

HaPpY LiTtLe NaRwHaL's HaLL oF nIfTy ThInGs To KnOw...
