Tribute To Young Singers
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Tribute To Young Singers

Go to my Tribute To Young Singers page! CLICK HERE
Updated: 6/4/97
WARNING! If you live within 60 miles of LaCrosse, Wisconsin (includes parts of MN too) LEAVE NOW. The connections in that area may form a VIRUS in your computer when this page is accessed. Unless you want your computer to be ruined, leave and don't come back.

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Immature Guestbook
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Guestbook by Lpage

To see Immature and everybody else who was on my page go to this place HERE.
It is not as up-to-date as it was before this server crashed, but it's a start. It's all on 1 page right now. It has the info and other stuff on it that were on it on May 16 (because that's when I last saved a copy of the html). I'll update it soon. It's on that page because I'm doing some experimenting with this page.

This page was started May 31, 1997 € Last Update was June 4, 1997
Original page started November 30, 1996 € Crashed May 30, 1997 R.I.P.

# of people who have been here since 6/9/97:
