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hallo! my name is Jasmine and i'm a 17 yr old girl from singapore...i love music and is very interested in all sorts of musical instruments. i played the saxophone in my school band and was in Kim Seng Wind Symphony but now due to the fact that i am overseas, i can't join =(.. i know how to play some other instruments the trumpet but the saxophone is still my greatest love in the band.

More about my Band

Lyrics Page

Here r some lyrics of my fave songs!!!and some guitar tabs too!Some of the songs r real nice..hope u enjoy them!!!!

I dedicate this section to my friends.First on the list is of course my goooooood fren..she uses the nick Melz in IRC. She's a very cute and sweet girl who plays the trumpet. =)

Next on the list are my secondary school classmates..Celine is the cute and bubbly girl who sat beside me in class..we sure had fun..dozing during english lessons or yakking away in school..she uses the nick Foreverfr in Mirc.then there is Shun Jian.he uses the nick BaByFries in Mirc..he's very tall!!! he's very clever too...any girls want to go for him? haha..well...there's also Nitemare(cannot say his name..he threatened to do somthing to me)..he's the computer expert and of course he surfs the net and chats too!! he may be your worse nightmare but a very good fren indeed...well..there r so many ppl that i can go on and on and on...but then..i think i better save some space!!

Click here to learn more about my class

Here's also to my irc frens. There's Sheer,Craw, Desmond(Merlin) jie fu....h0mer my jie fu no jie. and clooney and Grayson my kors..Bchoi my Shi fu....Babymaize..Melissa(Arwen/Mystique/Galadriel) Tazzy^, Shannon(JeNS)...Kelvin(Espresso) and yet another Kelvin(Xpert) , Weijie( Flamebear), Alvin( |lard|)...Adrian(Koyo)..Tengsoon(Galore)... Barry(Fei)..Zongxian..Richard(Coldwater)....zhixiang(|Pooh|)..kevin(Viken)....James(Ambiguous) ........and many more.. these ppl

i met r usually in #Band or other channels of Mirc...and there r some other ppl too..

there's david(cool^guy/gooeyworm) ...and there's Carolyne, plaingal, ^strider^, EZ^, ^breeze^, Merl, Not2Cool, crystar, ding, koala_bear, James( Drizzit) , Derek(Hackie), and some other ppl whom i met in #Singapore.. and Junwen(Samstone)..kok peng( kuodo) , Shannon, Nick, Devilkiddi, Jun, William, Shivan whom i met thru the icq network.

There r also the band members from Kim seng. They r adrian(playboy), najib(spleen), michelle(jacquelin), audrey(babywoody), bernard(steiner), makoto(prismic), zhirong(clariboy), jiayi(amk14),zhicheng(fonts), ziwei(Sinflower) , yinghui(bubblez) and some others which i dun know their nicks yet...but i'll try to find out...heehee

If u want to dedicate anything to anyone on my page.pls GO AHEAD!!!!Hey friends, Please click on the Mailing list ok? Its for us to keep in touch!!!

To my friends in singapore, i really miss you all alot and i really hope that you all will remember me as a fren. I really treasured your frenships and will continue to treasure the wonderful memories that you all have given me. Thanks for all the wonderful times we have shared and for growing up with me thru the years. I really miss you and would like to say that you all have been really good friends even though there are both good memories all of us share, bad times, good times.. My friends..I love you and a part of me will always miss and love you, no matter where i am.....

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Dedications Page!!

Well..Thanx for visiting my homepage..sorrie if i isn't very nice...27th Nov 1997... please bear with it until i learn some HTML or Java and i get a scanner so i can improve my hompage and put in some pics and other stuff!

Homepages of my friends!!

Frens...and channels i frequent..
