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Reviews + Ratings

Betrayal at KrondorComputer4/5BAKBeyond the BeyondPlaystation2/5BtBTactics OgrePlaystation3/5TO
DarkSun: Shattered LandsComputer4/5SLBreath of Fire 3Playstation5/5BoF3Wild ArmsPlaystation3/5WA
DiabloComputer3/5N/AFinal Fantasy 7Playstation4/5FF7Chrono TriggerSuper Nintendo4/5CT
Exile IIIComputer3/5N/AFinal Fantasy 8Playstation5/5FF8Final Fantasy 3Super Nintendo5/5FF3
FalloutComputer5/5N/AFinal Fantasy TacticsPlaystation5/5FFTSecret of ManaSuper Nintendo3/5SoM
Fallout 2Computer4/5N/AOgre BattlePlaystation4/5OBFinal Fantasy MQSuper Nintendo2/5FFMQ

Top 5

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Final Fantasy 8
3. Fallout 2
4. Final Fantasy 3
5. Final Fantasy 7

Betrayal at Krondor

This is a classic RPG. Throughout the game, you play several different characters. The reasons for certain events unfold as the game goes on and have the fun is trying to figure out why you're supposed to do what you are doing. As with many RPG's the original mission is only a small part of the full story. There are many clever riddles, but with enough time you should be able to figure them out. The battles are turn based, allowing you to attack and move or use an object. I suggest at least trying this game considering it is free. You can download it from Sierra's website.

Type: Computer
Rating: 4/5

DarkSun: Shattered Lands

Another old game. This one uses the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons system and also one of its' worlds. Dungeons and Dragons one of the major roleplaying companies. It used to have almost a monopoly on table top ones. TSR also has many published books (If you like RPG's I suggest you pick one up). Anyway, the general story is that you are gladiators enslaved by the city of Draj. You escape and then must try and raise an army against the city. This game has got a very good character creation system, courtesy of TSR. There are around 10 races and the same number of classes to mix and match. The number of different items is also great. The battle system is turn based, which isn't bad for an RPG. It is a really fun game, allowing you to take different approaches to each problem, another token of AD&D. The only thing bad about it is its' outdated graphics, which is understandable because of its' age. I really like this game.

Type: Computer
Rating: 4/5


Diablo is an RPG where you are an adventurer trying to save the town of tristam from the "demon" Diablo. There are 3 different character types to choose from. For those of you who own Diablo, I am currently not in a guild. I don't play much anymore because my computer glitches too much.

Type: Computer
Rating: 3/5

Exile III

Exile III is an interesting little game for windows. It is almost freeform, giving you lots of freedom to do what you want. The character design is unique, alowing you to build the types of characters that you would like to have. There are no classes, so you can build a Fighter/Mage or an Archer/Thief or whatever. The only problem I have with this game is that some of the occurances that are supposed to trigger others do not work properly, and marauding monsters can also be a pain at times.

Type: Computer
Rating: 3/5


Fallout is a cool RPG where you are are a Vault-Dweller -decended from those who managed to escape nuclear holocaust by hiding underground. Your vault's water supply is in crisis, and you must find a special computer chip to get it running again. As you do so, you uncover a more sinister plot...

Type: Computer
Rating: 5/5

Fallout 2

This game is awesome, It improves on all the shortcomings of the first game: bigger, smaller saves, more usefull skills. This one starts you off 80 years after the first game. You are the decendant of the Vault Dweller. You live in a small impoverished village. The vilage elder charges you with finding the "Holy" GECK, which would transform the area around your village into a more habitable environment. I haven't really got far in this game, but like many other games, the ending goal is not very close to the beginning one.

Type: Computer
Rating: 4/5

Beyond the Beyond

This is the worst RPG I have played for the playstation. The graphics and sound are mostly at the Super Nintendo stage. The only parts that are 3d are the single fmv and the background of the battle scenes. Even though the technology is bad, I would have been able to live with that if it had a decent plot or story. This game however, is the same as any other RPG I have seen. The plot is completely linear and is so predictable that you pretty much know most of the story from the beginning. My brother bought this game for $30 when he could have bought FF7 for $40. I think both he and I agree that he made a mistake. I'm glad I bought FF7 the next day.

Type: Playstation
Rating: 2/5

Breath of Fire 3

This is a cool game for the Playstation. It follows a traditional turn-based RPG format with a twist. In this game you are a young dragon/boy who does not know who he is or where he came from. The beginning of the game takes you to a mine where you are first descovered by a bunch of miners. Frightened, you run around the mine killing people until you are captured. I won't tell you any more because it will give away some of the story. The battles bring a different way of choosing commands. A different directional button will allow a different choice. Magic also works a bit differently. Instead of magic, it is called ability. If you like this game when you first play it, you will want to play it even more later. Besides the usual kill the bad guys to gain experience to become powerful enough to kill the boss, there are some goodies. These include fishing, building a faery town, a special dragon gene system, and a master/apprentice system. If you are a puzzle lover, you won't be dissapointed. There are many puzzles to keep you occupied. I even got stuck once or twice when I was in a puzzle. If you get annoyed at a puzzle, don't give up. After a while, you should be able to find the solution.

Type: Playstation
Rating: 5/5

Final Fantasy 7

The people from Square do it again. I have been a long time fan of the Final Fantasy series from Square. This title is no exeption. You are a mercenary who used to work for Shinra inc. Now you work for Avalanche. As you progress through the story you learn more and more about your past. The only problem I have with this game is that it brings no new things to the world of Final Fantasy. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, but It would have been better with something like a new battle system

Type: Playstation
Rating: 4/5

Final Fantasy 8

I really like this game. The new GF system is great. In this game, you can Junction (equip) Guardian Forces, which are monsters you can summon, and a whole lot more. When you Junction a GF, you get to use all of the skills it has learned throughout the course of the game. Different GFs have different skill sets, which leads to a lot of customization. Also GFs have to learn a lot of their skills, and you get to choose which ones they learn, and that also fine-tunes the way your characters grow. All the enemies are automatically the same level as your characters, so no more level building. This makes the game a bit harder for some though, as I know a few people (including myself) who like to build up their characters to ridiculous levels before the final boss. In this game, if you did that, the boss would be that much stronger as well. The game plays well, with only one complaint from me, the summon spells are way too strong. A lot of the time, I found myself ignoring magic and physical attacks entirely, going strait for the summons. Your summoned monsters do not take mp to cast, they have their own health, so you can summon them as much as you want as long as they are alive. They aren't hard to keep alive either. The graphics in this are amazing, they've come a long way from 7. The story is very cool, with classic love scenes, although you might become frustrated when the main character stays stubbornly cold throughout the whole game. There are a couple extras, like the card game (a nice bonus) and each character's own special limit break. All in all, I enjoyed this game immensly and I highly reccomend it.

Type: Playstation
Rating: 5/5

Final Fantasy Tactics

Contrary to many people I've talked to, I love this game. It has a decent storyline and music, but the real deal is the advancement system. You can train your troops in 20 different job classes, and even mix and match some. This is my favorite playstation game I own. You are Ramza, a noble, and at the beginning you must deal with various vagabonds. Later on, you get mixed up in a big conspiracy for power.

Type: Playstation
Rating: 5/5

Ogre Battle

Ogre battle is an RPG/Strategy game where you control a small army in an attempt to release your country from the rule of an evil empire. When it first came out, this game managed to blend real time strategy with roleplaying quite well. It employs a "level-up" system quite similar to most other RPG's, but allows you to organize your characters into 5-person teams and controll them in hopes of capturing an enemy area. The battles are different than most other games, however, because they are mostly automatic, you stepping in only to play a special tarot card(various effects), retreat, or change tactics. All in all, I think this is a very good game, and the port to playstation, while not upgrading much, was a good idea because it was hard to find on its original system, the SNES

Type: Playstation
Rating: 4/5

Tactics Ogre

"Let Us Cling Together"

Tactics Ogre is a similar game to Final Fantasy Tactics. It has pretty much the same qualities except: It was originally on an older system so graphics are not quite as good, You can control more men, There is a training mode, a couple of the side features like hunting and jobs are not included. I personally like this game, my only problem being that you have to train WAY too much. I find that stoning your own guys can get very boring after awhile, but in this games it is necesary to train your men to be one step ahead of the enemy.

Type: Playstation
Rating: 3/5

Wild Arms

This game is pretty much traditional RPG. you get to control 3 different characters, who each have different abilities, but that is pretty much the only variation. the game progresses by you traveling to the areas you are told to go and solving a few puzzles while fighting various common enemies and occasionally a boss.

Type: Playstation
Rating: 3/5

Chrono Trigger

Another triumph from square! This game plays mostly like Final Fantasy games, but you can only use 3 characters at a time (although those three are more detailed graphically than the old ones). Magic is replaced with techniques, which are used much the same way as traditionally, except for one thing. If you wait until more than one character is ready to attack, you can do a double or triple technique. These techniques are more powerful than any single technique, and are unique, depending on who is using them. The graphics are great, and I love the fact that there is no battle screen, the battles take place in the same environment as moving. The story is entertaining, at least for the first little while (Unfortunately, I don't own this game and I only got so far).

Type: Super Nintendo
Rating: 4/5

Final Fantasy 3

This is my favorite game for the Super Nintendo. It has an enthralling plot line, good character development, and great battle system. I think this game was one of the most successful Final Fantasies in North America. There are so many different things to do in this game. You start off as a girl who does not know who she is.

Type: Super Nintendo
Rating: 5/5

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

This game sucks. Bad. I don't know what square was thinking making this game. It's worse than even BtB. The games they made before this are better. Like BtB, the plot is linear and follows traditional RPG format. You can only control 2 characters at a time, and you never get to pick which ones. there is practically no choice where you can go or what you can do. If there are any secrets, I couldn't find any. I wouldn't pay more than $2 for this game. Sadly, I bought it for $25 before I knew what it was. The longest amount of time of fun you could get out of this would be about 3 hours. It is pathetic.

Type: Super Nintendo
Rating: 1/5

The Secret of Mana

This game, also from square, is a bit of a change from most of it's other games. Although it is an RPG, there are some things that are not in most others. First of all, the battle system is not turn based, everything happens in real time. That means that you control the weapon use of the character you are using. Second, you have the same three characters through the entire game (excluding the very begining when you have to find them). How do you control all three characters at once? Well, you only control one of them at a time while the computer AI controls the other two, although not the dumbest AI I've seen, the computer will be frustrating sometimes, especially when it becomes suicidal :). Casting a magic spell requires that you have met the proper guardian, that you have the right amount of mp, and that the target is visible. When you cast a spell, it freezes you for a short period of time, during which you can neither withstain damage or regain health. Certain other things have the same effect. The weapons are interesting; they power up with use, but require an orb to power up to the next level, each weapon is different, with a different range and sometimes effect, and some weapons are needed to get past certain puzzles. While the story line is adequate, I felt that it could be less cliche.

Type: Super Nintendo
Rating: 3/5