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Rules for Citizens of Gateway
These rules are mainly to avoid people from getting pissed off at each other and to keep the game from going in the toilet like a few others I've seen. Please follow them

1) If you make a character, please be dedicated enough to stick around for at least a couple months, I don't want a bunch of characters with two or three chapters

2) Please make a submission as often as you can. I hate it when people join things like this and then don't do anything.

3) Submissions don't have to be too long, but give me more than a paragraph please.

4) If you choose to take up a specific plotline crucial to the game world, please finish it. I don't want to have to scratch whole plot ideas.

5) You can write with other people - that's the whole point. Just don't mess up their character with out asking first. Chapters that involve more than one character must be OK'd by all involved writers.

6) I don't want to sound bossy, but I need to approve any characters you want to create. We don't want any gods or planet-killers and stuff like that.

7) Your characters must have some weakness. They can't be perfect. Please don't give your character a ridiculosly powerful skill (Like vaporizing people with a thought) without giving them a major disadvantage to go with it

8) Try not to isolate your character from the others, all stories should support each other in details like who killed who. Also, before too long, please try to hook up with another character, I'd rather not have just a bunch of people doing their own thing here.

9) Try to use original characters. I'm not going to bust you for using a character from an existing game or book, but original characters are usually more fun. Don't cry to me if you get in trouble with someone who doesn't like you using a character they created