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This is about ME.

Name: Naomi Marie ______. (sorry, cant.)

AGE: I'm 13

Date Of Birth: Sept.09/1987

Height: 5'10 or 5'11

Favorite Color: *RAINBOW*

I Live in: B.C, Canada (I AM CANADIAN!)

Hair: Brownish, Longish, Sun Strekish...;o)

Eyez: Hazel...they change color..*DiVa*

Hobbies: Danceing, writing poetry, drawing, being hyper and eating candy and being weird. blowin bubbles..laughing talking on the message board...

Music: Punk, alternitive, some techno(raves?where?),

Do you believe in God/Devil? Yes I'm a Christian I love god. (God RoX!)

Do you believe in Fate? Yes..things happen for a reason

Favorite Food: CANDY....gummy bears, candy necklaces, pez, pixie stix lollypops, sour candy superman and batman white stick things that they sell at camp. (ohhh i luv camp!)

Favorite Band: MillenCollin, Less than Jake, NOFX, Fenix Tx, Creed, MxPx, EnigmaThe Crystal Method. Me First and the Gimme Gimmies! SERIAL JOE!!! um....Operation Ivy, Odd one Out, any ska bands...The super tones...

Family: Mom, Daddo, EmO, Luke

Pets: Sam, Jack my KiTTy and Stan my Purple Rock! (aw!)

What I love: CAMP!!(whoohoo!!) Rainbow necklaces, oldskool stuff (plaid) Uh...Thrift stores stuff..uh.80's cartoons..Candy, baby toys, coloring books, crayons, sleeping, Rainbow Brite, ....anything cute and cuddly, POSERs! (gotta luv the posers!) sk8boarding, punk, big phat pants, being happy, people who dont care what people think about them, fluffy things, cherries, rain, ravers, and retro stuff. (NOT 80"S MUSIC!)

What I dont like: mean snobby people, people who dont like otehr people cause they're "different" sell out bands, boy bands, when mom gives me chores, mushrooms, (YUCKY ...did you know there made out of poo?) um....deing even though I know where I'm going, death can be sad.When other people think that I'm lieing about my age just because I'm TALL....