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This is the official Froebel website…we have got information about our School, our Principal and Teachers. There are Links, Jokes, Downloads plus loads of more ENJOY!!! hey check out the new music....tell us if you like it......

Watch those mouse tracking balls (works only with Netscape 4 or above). We just put them on this startpage just to show you how cool this site is...It only works for Netscape users, if you haven't already got yourself the latest Netscape Communicator, you better download it NOW!!!

Click Here To Download The Latest etscape Communicator.

(when you are done make sure you come back here!!)



pg 1




Our Principal!

 Our School!

A Foreword By The Principal!!!!

Aunty Abbas!!!


Hot Links!



 Sports Day!!!




Don't Forget To View/Sign The Guestbook!!!

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We try to update this site as much as possible when we get the time, so keep visiting!!!



Our Awards And Other Stuff:

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us at if you have found any errors or problems. Maybe you just want to give us some advice. If you don't like or want to add something here, please let us know so that we can improve this site. Whatever it is just e-mail us. Thanks!

Our Principal | Our School | Foreword By The Principal | Teachers | Aunty Abbas | Mela | Sports Day | Downloads | Links | Jokes | History |