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subway logic


How We Think About Web Design

making a site easy to navigate
organizing the information
why art is more important than anything
using free resources



making a site easy to navigate

visitors won't bother with hard-to-read web sites.

our web sites are intuitive. we present your material in visual blocks (like this one) so all text is linked with images. visitors easily sort through information.

we divide topics into indexed pages for clarity and to avoid long scrolls. movement through the site is quick & simple.







organizing the information

it should be easy to skim your site or dive in deep.

first, we organize your material into levels so visitors can choose how much information they see on each topic.

then, we break up the material into readable image blocks, and use visual continuity to lead the visitor around the site.






why art is more important than anything

there are different ways to create the feel of a web page - from cute javascripts that tease your computer (click here) to scrolling windows to animations, etc. subway logic will work with these tools if you tell us to.

but art - really beautiful images, and text laid out around them - invites the visitor into the page as if it were a room. it gives visual cues to make exploring the site easy, pleasant and memorable. we encourage you to concentrate on artistic quality rather than techno-wizardry. we like to make gorgeous, navigable sites.







using free resources

the web is full of free resources - graphics, programs & real services (web space, search functions, etc.) subway logic has 2 reasons why everyone should use them:

Belfast, N. Ireland
Tel. (01232) 207350


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text & design ©1998 subway logic
all subway images used on this page are assumed to be public domain.
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