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Down Under Diaries

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Gidday, welcome back to the

All New Down Under Diaries.

Thanks to all those people who have visited me.
This page was established because I thought it would be fun to have one - why not. This page will be full of interesting down under links and information...

Exercises in Creativity Well I'm meant to be a writer - so to remind me of this please check out my stories. I'll try and update these regually but I have admit - writer's block does plague me!

My Theatre Company One of my main reasons for writer's block is my theatre company. All that producing stiffles my creativity. Check out some of my shows and see what's coming up.

What The Hell Are They Talking About Aussie Phrases and words explained. Don't be confused by your Aussie mate anymore - check out the language.

Aussie Site Links Come visit us downunder and check out what's happening.

Online Mates Some of my online friends

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
