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DeMolay Chat, 2000

Welcome to DeMolay Chat

DeMolay Chat

"Be a part of the DeMolay excitement"


New International Chat Time
Wednesdays 8 pm in the Main Chat Room

Welcome to the DeMolay Chat Forum! Here you can catch up on all the latest DeMolay gossip in our free chatroom. Share and debate different topics by posting a message in the boardroom. Find other DeMolay sites on the web by visiting our links page. View our pages which outline those leadership skills which will help not only in DeMolay but also in school, work and other areas of your life. Learn how to make your chapter or jurisdiction grow by visiting the membership section. Visit the Official Website of DeMolay International for more advanced DeMolay information. Last but not least, get ideas for how to put together a good term program with our favorite activities that will appeal to all current and prospective members of DeMolay.

Frequent Members List
Would you like to set up times to meet members in the chat room? Join the frequent members list! Enter the Frequent Members page at the link to the left and send us an e-mail so that we can add you to the list!


Chat with the Masonic Community, invite a friend and chat for hours in Chat Room 1, which is the main and more advanced of the chat rooms or Chat Room 2, which has fewer services available, but is just as fun. In the chatrooms you will get your own username and password and the best part is, it's all totally FREE!


Post a message in either of the two boardrooms on any topic and other members and visitors can reply to your message or post their own. Both Boardroom 1 and Boardroom 2 are great places for DeMolay related debates and also for posting messages to fellow chatters about when you will be in the rooms.


Ready to move on to another site? Go to The Links Page and visit other DeMolay web pages. Have a web page of your own? Email the webmaster of the DeMolay International Website so you can get your page added to the list.


Are you thinking about moving up the line your chapter? Are you already a chapter officer and just need some ideas on how to become a better leader? At the Leadership Link you can learn some leadership tips which will help you get ahead in life and aid you in being a better member of your Chapter.


Want some tips on how to bring in members? Is your chapter looking for prospect party ideas? At our Membership Page you will not only learn how to run a succesfull prospect party, but also how to get the prospects to join once the party is over. There is also a section concerning memberhip retention, all of which is vital information for any Chapter.


What makes a chapter succesfull? How do we keep our members active? It's all about Activities. At this link you will learn how to put together a succesfull term plan with plenty of fun and interesting activities, which are the single most important things that a Master Councilor can have for a successfull term.

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E-DeMolay WebRing DeMolay Chat is operated by: Robert Efken. next next 5 skip

"DeMolay Chat" acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to DeMolay International of which Frank S. Land was founder. The opinions expressed by users of "DeMolay Chat" are solely their own and do not necessarily relflect the views of DeMolay Chat or DeMolay International. To report an offensive user please e-mail Brian Chase or Robert Efken.