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With All my Love

To Destiny & Cristian


Although we are apart, I want you to know that my love for both of you will never end.
I will for always and forever be your daddy.
Even though your Mom and I are no longer together don't ever think that for one moment that I
don't love either of you.
I have chosen to move on, but that doesn't mean that you will no longer be a part of it.
For the time being, I know I can't be with you as much as I would like. But as soon as I can leave
Hawaii, I promise to move as close to you guys as I can and spend as much time together
as we can.

With this page I plan to show you that my love is still and always will be alive.
And with it you can also keep in touch with your daddy.
Forever your Daddy.


Destiny's Page

Cristian's Page


Jose's Web Page

Jose's Web Page


Hot List
Underground and mainstream hiphop news and music.
Connect with other boricuas out on the web.
The Source magazine online.

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Biographical Information

I was born on christmas day 1970, in Guaynabo, PR. I grew up in NYC, graduated from HS in Juncos, PR. After which i joined the Navy, and am now Stationed in Hawaii.
Jan 16th 1994- My daughter Destiny was born.
Jan 12th 1995- My son Cristian was born.
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Personal Interests

I listen to salsa, R&B, & rap.
I'm a tech freak, I love anything new.

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Contact Information

Web address

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Comments and Suggestions

Please send me mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it.

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Last revised: March 05 1999.

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