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From: "E.Ann INgram" <>

Many of the ideas came from
this group- Thanks!!!


Have children sit in a circle with their legs out and feet touching.
Roll the "Dinosaur Egg" (big ball) back and forth.
Art / Craft:
Finger paint Dino shapes

Structured Freeplay and Time Fillers:
1. Dig for dinosaurs and bones in the sand tray.
2. Watch Dinosaur video.
3. Visit the Listening Center to listen to tapes with headsets.
4. Dinosaur coloring sheets
5. Play with Dinosaur puppets.
6. Play with stuffed and plastic dinosaurs.
7. Playdough and dino cookie cutters.

Group: Encourage children to be Mommy or Daddy dinosaurs. Ask them to
close their eyes while you (or another child) hides the dinosaurs. Then
ask them to open their eyes and say together:

Then the Mommy and Daddy dinosaurs can look for their babies.

Art / Craft: Dinosaur Books
Color and decorate dinosaur books. Encourage children to write or trace
their names on the books. Read the book aloud several times while
children follow along in their own book.

Group: Volcano!!!
Make a volcano!! Bury a frozen juice can containing 1/4 c. of baking
soda up to
its rim in a mound of sand. Dot the sand surrounding the can w/ toy
dinosaurs, trees, etc. In another container, mix 1 c. water w/ 2/3 c.
vinegar, 1/3 c. dishwashing liquid and several drops of red food
Slowly add this to the juice can. The eruption occurs immediately! It's
fun for
*After you do the large demonstration, tell them it's their turn to be
scientists. We
talk about how important scientists are and how they do experiments.
Then bring out
the equipment, tray with pipetts, popsicle sticks, cups, a tub of
water, and the vinegar mixture. Show them how to put baking soda in the
cup using a stick, use the pipette to get vinegar mixture and
Presto!!!, a mini volcano. Next, talk about how the scientist always
cleans his things for the next scientist by rinsing out his cup in the
tub of water.
Art / Craft: Dinosaur in Egg
Give each child two egg halves attached on side with brad. Encourage
children to glue dinosaur to back side of bottom egg half. Older
children can add facial features. For smaller children, give green
spots to glue to outside of the egg. Older children may want to use
hole puncher to make green dots to decorate their egg.

Group: "Those Lovable Dinosaurs"
Place a group of plastic and stuffed dinosaurs together on the floor.
One player at a time chooses a dinosaur and recites (with the help of
the group):
One day while down the street,
Some lovable dinosaurs I did meet.
One made a sound, just like this
___________(Make a dino sound)
So I took him home and gave him a kiss.
The game continues until all have had a turn to hug and kiss a dinosaur.
Art / Craft: Dinosaur in Egg
Give each child two egg halves attached on side with brad. Encourage
children to glue dinosaur to back side of bottom egg half. Older
children can add facial features. For smaller children, give green
spots to glue to outside of the egg. Older children may want to use
hole puncher to make green dots to decorate their egg.
Group: Dinosaurs On Overhead Projector

Bring in an overhead projector and put dinosaurs on the walls and
ceiling. It
gives the children a much better idea of how big dinosaurs really were.
It is
a good lesson in size. They can touch the claws and teeth and compare
size of their hands and feet to those of the dinosaur.
Take cookie dough cut in circles and take a dinosaur stamp and brush
with food coloring and stamp on cookie. Would make a bunch of cookies
and make it very easy for kids... not too messy either!
Group children on their hands and knees under gym mats to form a large,
many legged dinosaur that moves as a unit toward water and back to the
Art / Craft: Dinosaur Dinorama
Color scenery and paste on walls inside box. Add streams, rocks, ponds
to bottom of the box. Color dinosaurs and plants. Bend under tab and
glue to bottom of box.
Group: Ring Around the Dinosaur
Place stuffed dino in middle of circle and play like "Ring Around the
Art / Craft: Dinosaur Crowns
Encourage children to decorate their crown with stamps and stickers.
When complete, staple together to fit child's head. Children may want to
march in "Dinosaur Parade" wearing their Dino Crowns.
This is a seek and find game. Hide a number of plastic dinosaurs
throughout the room. Children move around the room searching for
dinosaurs as they sing a variation of "A Hunting We Will Go".
Dinosaur hunting we will go, dinosaur hunting we will go
We'll catch a dinosaur and look for more and more
And then we'll let them go.
Art / Craft:
Decorate paper with Dino Stamps

Group: *Tyrannosaurus Toss:
Draw a picture of a large Tyrannosaurus head on a piece of sturdy
Use a sharp knife to cut the dinosaur's mouth including lots of teeth.
prop the cardboard Tyrannosaurus head against a chair or secure it with
across a doorway. Give the children bean bags and let them take turns
"feeding the dinosaur" by tossing the bean bags into its mouth.

Art / Craft:
*Stuffed Dinosaurs:

For each child cut two dinosaur shapes out of brown paper bags or brown
butcher paper. Have the children hold their shapes together while you
together around three sides. Then let them crumple small pieces of
and stuff them into their dinosaur shapes. When the shapes are full,
the remaining sides closed. Let the children decorate their stuffed
dinosaurs with paint. When the dinosaurs shapes are dry, attach loops
yarn to them and hang around the room.

Group: Dinosaur Footprints
Give each child some Playdough and plastic dinosaurs. Help children
push dinosaur feet in playdough to make footprints.

Art / Craft:
*Stuffed Dinosaurs:
For each child cut two dinosaur shapes out of brown paper bags or brown
butcher paper. Have the children hold their shapes together while you
together around three sides. Then let them crumple small pieces of
and stuff them into their dinosaur shapes. When the shapes are full,
the remaining sides closed. Let the children decorate their stuffed
dinosaurs with paint. When the dinosaurs shapes are dry, attach loops
yarn to them and hang around the room.



Materials You Will Need:

Baby Dinosaur (2)
Mommy Dinosaur
Big stone
Baby dinosaur in the egg


Little Dinosaur wanted to play. He asked his mother to play.
She said, "No, I can not." "Why not?" asked Little Dinosaur.
"I am too busy," said his mother.

Little Dinosaur decided he would find someone else to play with.
He walked to the edge of the big swamp. He saw a fish in the
"Do you want to play stamp-in-the-Mud?" he asked.
The fish said, "No!"
"Why not?" asked Little Dinosaur.
"I can not" said the fish. "I do not have any feet."

Little Dinosaur walked along the shore.
He saw a bird.
"Do you want to play Dig-in-the-Sand?" he asked.
The bird said, "No."
"Why not?" asked Little Dinosaur.
"I have to fly away with my mother," said the bird.

Little Dinosaur walked back to where the green grasses grew.
He saw a plant waving its leaves at him.
"Do you want to play Push-the -stones? he asked.
The plant did not say anything at all.

Little Dinosaur felt very sad. No one wanted to play with him.
He sat down on a big stone.
Suddenly the stone started to wiggle.
It started to jiggle.
It started to shake.
It was an egg. It HATCHED!
A baby dinosaur stuck his head out of the shell.
"Do you want to play?" said the baby dinosaur.
"YES!" said Little Dinosaur.
They played all day. The played
and Push--the-stones,
and Stamp-in-the-Mud.
They had fun. Little Dinosaur had a new friend.


Little Danny Dinosaur

Little Danny Dinosaur
Counts to three
1 2 3
Little Danny Dinosaur
Bends one knee.
Little Danny Dinosaur
stretches his wings.
Little Danny Dinosaur
Hops and sings.
Tra - la - la
Little Danny Dinosaur
Sits on the floor.
Little Danny Dinosaur
Starts to Roar.


Little Danny Dinosaur.
Lays on the floor.
Little Danny Dinosaur.
Starts to snore.


From: Laura <> DINOSAUR THEME IDEAS *********************************** *DINO FOSSILS

Mix together:

5 parts sand, 2 parts plaster of paris, 2 parts water

You may need to add a little more water to make it about the consistency of pancake batter.

Pour it into paper cups. Push into each cup a small plastic dinosaur.

When it is hard tear off the paper cup and give the children craft sticks to scrape off the "stone" to find what's inside ( it's really soft and easy).


(Tune: "Wheels on the Bus")

The Pteranodon's wings went flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap,

The Pteranodon's wings went flap, flap, flap, All around the swamp.

The Tyrannosaurs Rex went grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr,

The Tyrannosaurs Rex went grrr, grrr, grrr, All around the swamp.

The Tricearatop's horns went poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke,

The Tricearatop's horns went poke, poke, poke, All around the swamp.

The Brontosaurus went munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch,

The Brontosaurus went munch, munch, munch, All around the swamp

The Stegosaurus tail went spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, spike,

The Stegosaurus tail went spike, spike, spike, All around the swamp


Can be made out of anything that is fuzzy or looks like animal skin.

A piece of fake fur cloth, animal print cotton (leopard, tiger or zebra) or even an old bath or throw rug

.( No sewing necessary, cave people didn't sew!) Bath rug or fur cloth.

Cut a hole in the center, allowing enough fabric to fall down the front and back of the cave person evenly,

and to drape around each side. Trim with scissors if necessary.

Tie costume in place, at the waist,

with a sash or cord. *


Create an ambience for DINO Day is easy.

The setting calls for an abundance of ferns, plants, pebbles and rocks.

Drape lots of green crepe-paper streamers across the ceiling of the room.

Make crepe-paper ferns and hang from the streamers. Use the DINO bone template to hang from the ceiling .

Tape ferns so that they dangle from the back of chairs and the edges of the tablecloth.

Decorate the tablecloth with dinosaur tracks or footprints. (Some local nurseries or garden centers will donate plants!) Make personalized rocks. Paint the children's names on the rock and stand a plastic dino on top.

Tape butcher paper on walls and provide tempera paint and brushes. Let the children make mural for the walls.


Children are divided into groups (Stegosaurus, Brontosauruses, Triceratops, and Pterodactyls.

Enough chairs are placed in a large circle(facing toward the center) to accommodate all but one child,

who will play it. The child who is IT stands in the center of the circle and announces the dino of hit choice (from the four categories). All the Triceratops must scramble to change their sets with one another while IT also rushes to get an empty seat. If IT fails to get a seat, he or she becomes a Triceratops and the displaced dino becomes IT.