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Mindanao, the second largest island of the Philippines, is a land of towering mosques and malong-clad women, where boldly-striped vintas ply the waters between houses perched precariously on stilts. Here , ethnic tribes weave glorious tales of brave warriors and haughty princesses into colorful tapestries and fabrics. Mindanao is also a nature lover's paradise. Tiny Camiguin isle enchants with its white sand islands and volcanic chains. Zamboanga has pink sand beaches for the beach-lover and rolling greens for the golf enthusiasts. Davao's caves promise adventure for spelunkers; in this land of fruits and flowers, interspersed with tropical blooms and exotic orchids. Cotabato's pineapple plantations and Bukidnon's citrus farms delight with nature's freshest harvests. The adventurous traveler would probably wish to conquer Mindanao's vast mountain wilderness, or explore the many forests and wildlife reserves. Mt. Apo in Davao del Sur is the country's highest peak. Climbers and trekkers will find on its slopes forests of exotic flora, steaming geysers, rainwater lakes, swift-flowing rivers and cascading waterfalls; and ai its base, Mount Apo Science Foundation, an agricultural institution surrounded by woodlands ideal for bird-watching. A plethora of waterfalls awaits the visitor to Lanao del Norte. Its provincial capital, Iligan, is home to the legendary Maria Cristina Falls, 100 feet higher than the awesome Niagara. Lanao del Sur, around majestic Lanao Lake, is the Islam Center of the South. Here are found repositories of Muslim culture such as the Mindanao State University, the King Faisal Center for Arabic Studies, and the Aga Khan Museum. The artistry and diversity of ethnic tribes lend a richness to local color. The Maranao have their okir, a curvilinear carving tradition that sets off their houses, musical instruments, personal ornaments and household implements in brillieant colorful motifs. Visitors will find unique souvenir items among the handicrafts of the T'boli, who weave their famous t'nalak patterns. The Sama tribes handweave cool mats in jewel colors along the walks of their stilt houses, inviting spectators to bargain for their wares. The seafaring Badjao dive for coveted South Sea pearls. Arts and crafts demonstration tours, tribal festivals, and visits to ethnic villages provide insight into the everyday lives of the cultural minorites. To have a clear look click the picture.


Marawi is a settlement of the western side of the Agus River. It was formerly part of the municipality of Dansalan. Its name was derived from the Maranao term "rawi" which means reclining, referring to the lilies bending to the north on the mouth of the Agus River. The municipality of Dansalan was established under the Moro Province on May 24, 1907. Pursuant to Commonwealth act No. 592 in 1940, Dansalan became a chartered city but was not inaugurated until September 30,1950. In 1956, Dansalan City was changed to Marawi City through a Congressional Act. On April 1980, Marawi City was renamed as the Islamic City of Marawi and thereafter proclaimed by the Sanguniang Pampook of Region XII as the summer capital of the region. Marawi is the only city in the country where 90.0 percent are Muslims and the people preserved their Islamic way of life.


a. Soil Characteristics The soil type is silty clay loam suited for ceramics industry. Its slope falls under relief number 4 which depicts a hilly or gently rolling landscape. b. Climate The climate is cool and pleasant and falls under Type F which is characterized by an even distribution of rainfall throughout the year. The city is out of the typhoon belt. It has the highest average annual rainfall of 2,826 millimeter in the region. The wettest month is February while the driest is June. With an elevation of 679.704 meters above sea level, the city recorded the lowest average annual temperature of 19.7 degrees Celsius.


a. Population The latest population census was recorded at 91,204 persons in Marawi City. The city population had been growing at a very rapid rate between 1980 and 1990. Its population grew at an annual average rate of 5.50 percent, the highest rate recorded in the region. Given its land area and population, the population density averaged 4,066.92 persons per square kilometer in 1990. The city is the most densely populated area in the region. b. Sex and Age Structure The ratio of male to female population is about 1:1.12. As of 1990, there were around 42,992 males and 48,272 females. In terms of age structure, about 52,188 persons fall between the ages 15 and 64 years old, 37,682 are 14 years old and below and 1,334 belong to ages 65 years and over. This also indicates a highly productive population with 57.2 percent of the total population belonging to the productive age group of 15 to 64 years old. The dependency ration was computed at 75 dependents per 100 working population. With 41.3 percent in the age group 14 years and below, the population is considered relatively young. c. Religious Affiliation Despite the predominance of Islam, which is practiced by 96.6 percent of the population, there are also persons who belong to other religious sects. Of the total population. about 1.5 percent are Roman Catholics, 1.0 percent are Protestants and the remaining 0.9 percent belong to other religious sects. d. Number of Households Total households reached 14,277 in 1990 with a household population of 91,204 persons. The average household size is six persons in one household. About 53.8 percent of the households consist of one extended family. This usually consists of in-laws and other distant relatives who live under the protective support of one nuclear family. e. Housing Condition Majority of house structures are duplex made of light materials such as nipa, plywood and cardboard. The City is highly congested where houses and business establishments stand side by side with overlapping roofs sharing narrow alleys. f. Labor Force Of the total persons in the age bracket of 15 to 64 years old, about 12,467 are employed while 7,310 are unemployed. The rest account for persons who are not in the labor force who may be students housekeepers, or invalid. Of the total persons 15 years old and over, about 32,411 are not in the labor force. Of those employed, majority are engaged in farming and fishing activities.

Indod sa ompongan

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