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Favorite Words Of Wisdom

Hi ya & welcome to Country Sunshine. Here are just a few do's & don't's when visitin' the Country.
*Do kick your shoes off...(the grass feels great)!
*Don't look down if ya step in somethin' warm & mussy...(it's best not knowin')!!
*Do breath in the fresh air...(it's good for ya)!
*Don't breath it in near the outhouse...(that's bad for ya)!!
*Do chew on a straw of hay...(it relieves stress)!
*Don't chew on a straw of hay picked by Cousin BillyBobs bedroom window...(sometimes he can't make it to the outhouse)!!
*Do go skinny dipping in the creek by the house...(it's good for the soul)!
*Don't forget to take a bar of soap with ya...(cause thats where ya also take a bath & wash out your clothes)!!
Here in the country life is grand. Ya don't have to dress fancy to come a visitin', just throw on a big cotton t-shirt, your favorite pair of overalls, or shortest pair of "Dasiy Dukes"!!
*Nothing cleans out a stressful soul better than a visit to the country where things are natural & down to earth*
Ya just lay back under a big shade tree, close your eyes & listen to the birds singing ya to sleep...
~Thank Your For Visiting Country Sunshine~
Just wanted to thank ya'll for visit'n Country Sunshine. I hope ya enjoy it. I really enjoyed making this page & sharing with ya'll some of my favorite things. As if ya can't tell I love anything country. Although I live in Florida...along the beautiful Emerald Coast I still have a desire to live in the country. But I believe that as long as ya have the desire in your heart, it don't matter if ya live in a big city, ya can bring the country into your home & surround yourself with the beautiful gifts God & nature have given us.

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