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British Tourist Authority site that proved invaluable in the planning phases of the trip.

a few of the places that I did get to see...

Hampton Court Palace official site, great deal of information regarding history, art exibits and holdings, gardens etc.

Windsor Castle site detailing the history of the Castle, as well as the restoration project after the fire that virtually destroyed one section of it.

Stonehenge examination of Stonehenge as an engineering project, including 3D models.

Eton College no, I did not try to hunt down Prince William here ;-). Eton interested me in that it is one of the oldest "public" schools in the UK, founded by Henry VIII, and the architecture is in one of my favourite styles.

Tower Bridge

Bath official site for the city of Bath, including virtual tours. The architecture of this city is amazing.

Salisbury Cathedral one of the most beautiful Cathedrals in the UK; also houses one of the most well preserved copies of the Magna Carter.

Westminster Abbey the infamous Abbey where all British monarches have been crowned since William the Conqueror; also where Elizabeth I is entombed, along with lots of other well known people buried under the floors.

Madame Tossauds An absolute disapointment and waste of time for me. Unless you have small children with you, really not worth the trip. Even if you do have small children, skip the wax and go to the planitarium next door, they'll probably find that to be more interesting.

Claygate , the small "suburb" of London where we stayed. Interesting, though not terribly exciting compaired to London ;-).

and some of the places I would have liked to have seen, but will get to next time. ;-).

Kew Gardens One of the largest botanical gardens in the world.

Shakespear's Globe Theatre Given my love of Shakespeare, most people assume this was my first stop ;-). Unfortunatly, it was closed for the winter at the time that I was there.

Victoria and Albert Museum.

National Gallery of London actually got picturesof the exterior of the museum while in Trafalgar Square, but I didn't get to go in, as my travel companion felt it would be more interesting to allow the pigeons (aka flying rats) in the square to crap all over her while she fed them over-priced corn.