(overlooked cute guy)

Jack:"What are you retarded?"

Xander:"No, Well, I had to take that test when I was seven. I little slow, mostly in math and spatial relations but certainly not challenged or anything."

I admit the first season Alexander Harris had ZERO stud potential - but lets face it he had stiff competition from Angel's topless body, Spike's lettuce head and Giles' overall studliness!

But then the second season found Xander sporting a new haircut, cooler clothes and a much wittier reparte. He was the guy everyone could rely on - the optimist who didn't like Angel, felt an overwhelming need to protect Buffy and told Willow he loved her while she was in a coma. Unfortunately he still had that malignant growth on his arm: Cordelia.

YUCK!!! While I admit that during their "relationship" I was never "Ms. I Love Xander & Cordelia," and barely "Ms. I Can Stand Xander & Cordelia," I missed them once the relationship was over. At first I wholeheartedly agreed with Willow when she said - it went "against the laws of man and God". But now that they're no longer together I miss her.

Who would have ever thought that Mr. Clumsilly Academically Challenged Harris would date the Cordelia "May Queen & Head Cheerleader" Chase? It was a match made in a closet - and intended to stay there I thought! *lol* All they ever did was hide in closets and make out until Cordelia's friends went away - it was horrible and I never could understand how Xander put up with it...Or how she put up with him either...Xander did not become very cool until after they began dating and had someone to bounce his witty remarks off of.

We didn't even see the relationship really growing until that slimy episode when the Sunnydale Swim Team became icky monsters (the best ones I've seen so far on Buffy). Xander - despite the school's high extracurricular mortality rate managed to join the team and wear speedos. *lol* Anyways - Cordelia later thought he'd become Slime Monster but still loved him - proving that the Ice Princess does has a redeeming quality!!! She can draw pretty well and in spite of Xander's slimy monsterishm, she was willing to stick it out by him. She even told him it was ok to date other sea creatures and that she would do everything to make sure he was happy - even get bath tub toys for him!!! Aungh...now that's love 0:-)

Another thing about "Go Fish": Xander was running around in speedos and every girl on the show seemed to be impressed. NOT ME!!! I don't see what all the hype was about. *frown* When is Giles going to get his shot is all I can ask...every other guy in that episode was wearing the equivalent of a slingshot while Giles traipsed through the sewers in suit AND TIE!!! Isn't that just a bit ridiculous? 0:-)

Things in Xander's love life have even become more complicated since he was caught smooching his best friend...now he's all alone - mooning after the Cordelia he'd taken for granted and the Faith he had in the sack for a few fuzzy moments.

I used to want him to get together with Willow but now I see its idle fancy - they are just NOT meant to be...Its a whole complicated mess until you realise his heart was broken by Willow...its true! Xander a la Dawson realised he loved Willow too late. While Willow was in a coma he sat there and talked to her until he realised how much he cared for her. She started waking up and it was really cool until she started asking for Oz instead of Xander. Then you felt bad for the guy. First Cordelia - now this!!! Its weird how TV guys just fall in love like that I don't get it at all.

Remember the old days when Xander used to moon over Buffy, Buffy over Angel, Willow over Xander and nothing was as complicated as it is now? 0:-) So what if it was 90210'ish? The show still rocked!!!

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