uffy is the single greatest thing about this show. She epitomizes Girl Power and looks way better than those Spice Girls (Sorry Dave) - although her outfits this season are significantly uncooler than in the past 0:-) She still also KICKS BUTT!!! Or I guess Sophia Crawford kicks butt while Sarah Michelle Gellar looks cute. 0:-) Sophia Crawford is the amazing stunt girl behind Buffy (she also used to stunt for the Pink Power Ranger and is currently engaged to Jeff Pruitt - BtVS stunt coordinator for those of you living under rocks). I'm not sure but I think Sophia came in second season because the fighting first season was so unrealistic and cheesy that EVEN I didn't watch the show for months. (and to this day I have not seen Moloch *sigh*)

Buffy's lines are still sometimes cheesy ("I never kill a guy on the first date" and "If I were up to full Slayer strength I'd be punning right now." come to mind) but the fighting is so great you forgive her for it. Remember the time Buffy battled death under a 107 degree fever and won!?! Needless to say - she is way better than Xena. If she and Buffy ever got into a fight, Buffy would DEFINITELY win. Anyone who disagrees with me or can somehow set this fight up PLEASE e-mail me at address at the bottom of this page.

But back to Buffy and the show 0:-)

According to the movie Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Buffy did not want to be the slayer. For some odd reason, she did not even meet her watcher until she'd become a spoiled high school girl (well her name is Buffy).
One afternoon she's sitting in front of her high school, wearing this bright bubble jacket in sweltering weather and sucking on a blow pop when Merrick shows up. He's in a hurry and keeps insisting that she should have been trained ages ago and keeps on talking about vamps and slayers. Buffy is of course scared by the freak and runs away. Little did she know that her Angel was watching from the shadows. He loved her from that first instant and has continued to love her as she grows and matures.
Needless to say, Buffy was not too enthusiastic about becoming the world's next heroine. But she was/is The Slayer and the job seems to have grown on her. 0:-) Thank goodness too - the show would really suck if all Buffy did was shop and date human guys (more on that on my Angel page)...

I sometimes feel kind of sorry for Buffy and her large innocent eyes though. I mean, she didn't choose to be The Slayer, she was born into the job. And this has to be the worst job ever (I always wonder when she sleeps)! She is out all night patrolling the cemetary and killing vampires. (and how come no one has ever seen her kill a vampire? In a town of that size, someone must see her every once in a while drive a wooden stake through another person's heart) But as I was saying, when does she sleep? Every once in a while Angel used to bring her home and stuff and she would retire for the couple fo hours...I guess Slayers have higher stamina because I couldn't keep up those sleep patterns (and trust me I've tried 0:-)
Especially after seeing Helpless I am faced with the question - what will Buffy do when she gets old? She's a lot more resourceful than other Slayers but her skills should go down once she hits 25 or 30 - then what? I don't think there is a retirement farm for Slayers - they just seem to get killed (mostly by Spike). I don't want to see Buffy die but I know it will eventually happen - she'll age and weaken

*sob, sob* This is getting depressing now. 0:-(

UNLESS!!! Unless Good Angel were to make her a vampire and they could live happily ever after somewhere where its always dark...I think one of my grade school teachers said a long time ago that Alaska has six months of darkness every year. PERFECT!!! They can move to Alaska and raise little vampire children like Claudia from Interview With The Vampire and Buffy can wear dresses with big ribbons, Angel can get a pot belly and read the newspaper, Giles can move to Hawaii and pick up chicks, Willow and Oz can join a motorcycle gang and take a road trip, Cordelia can fix her make up, Drusilla and Spike can get over this whole Hellmouth thing (which is getting kind of old anyway) and move into a psychiatric ward without windows where they can talk with Mrs. Edith all day and Faith or her replacement (I don't think she'll last long) can take over!!! YAY!!!

Or Maybe Not

The episodes which really sealed my commitment to Buffy and proved how great an actress Sarah Michelle Gellar were The Becomings. One day she's walking around with Mr. Pointy, killing vampires - having fun and talking about guys, the next she's homeless and expelled. Its not much fun.

I have gained so much respect for Buffy. She really unfolded as a character and person. The things this poor girl endures are just terrible. In the first half, she is led away by Angel to a cemetary where they fight for long enough to have the other vampires kill Kendra, crush Willow, scare Cordelia, hurt Xander and kidnap Giles. Buffy, in the meantime is unscathed and blaming herself for everything. You have to give her credit - she takes her responsibilities seriously.
Then she RUNS all the way to school (has she never heard of a car?) and is just in time to be accused of murdering Kendra. Then she's allied with Spike and has to tell her mother about her being the Slayer.
That took a lot of guts. I can't believe her mother believed her so quickly and easily though. 0:-) If I told my mother I was a slayer - she'd tune out right there (my mom does that to me alot) One of my favorite parts was when Buffy asked her mother how many more times she had to wash blood out of her clothes before she believed it all. 0:-) The whole stituation with Spike and Buffy's Mom in the living room was funny. I never realised he was so tall!!!

But getting back to sorrow and away from ramblings
You have to give Buffy credit though - she has a lot of guts. I felt terribly for her when she had to kill Angel. First she spends what seems like forever waiting for the guy's soul to be restored and then when it does come back she has to run a sword though him. OUCH!!! That has to hurt - even if he is a vampire. I was pretty crushed until I heard he's not really dead but just waiting in limbo until an appropriate time to return. So that's cool.

Meanwhile Buffy is running around in a skull cap, leaving Sunnydale with only one bag of clothes (what about her shoes?), headed for who knows where without her watcher or mother. Maybe she's off to adopt Kendra's watcher - he seemed knowledgeable in a boring kind of way - or maybe Buffy'll go visit Dad in LA for a while. Things happen 0:-)

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