World's Grooviest Werewolf

"Don't You Love Me?"

"My entire life, I've never loved anything else."

Even as he broke Willow's heart, Oz still retained the mystery, finesse and charm he's always possessed. A man of few words, Oz has always made sure what he said meant something. When he spoke, people listened, when he screamed, goosebumps formed. 

The shortest lived member of the cast, Daniel "Oz" Osbourne made an impact on the show few will forget. I first remember seeing Oz a year or so ago, back when he and Willow were the only two kids at Sunnydale with super human intelligence. They were led into this hidden tent-like thing in the middle of the school, fed jumbo shrimp and asked to write some sort of computer software. Oz admitted he has no practical intelligence but tests really well. 0:-)

The greatest thing about Oz was his attitude. He wasn't fazed by anything and is the most romantic guy on the show. When he listens, its as if his entire heart was waiting for your words. He made the simplest conversation real. I remember right after Willow found out about Xander dating Cordy. She childishly wanted to make out with Oz. He gave her this great mental picture of him thinking of her in class...daydreaming and picturing the lovely Willow kissing him...back. He said in his dreams when he kisses her, she kisses him back. I melted right there... 

A more current example of the Ozster's marvelous tact and beauty came third season, after he and Cordy found Willow making out with the bloodied Xander Harris. He told Willow not being with her was like missing an arm and that he wanted to be together again. I almost wept. Willow was equally as touched and wanted to prove her love for him by making love. He turned her the softest, gentlelest, sweetest way imaginable 0:-)

What makes Oz so cool is his laid back attitude. The guy just accepts cynicism, no disbelief, no problem at all. He drives around in a van, has a Willowy girlfriend and just takes life one step at a time.
Added bonus: he’s lead guitarist in a band, drives a groovy van and has chameleon hair 0:-)

Well ok, I have to be honest. There was that time when Xander and Cordelia broke into that military base to steal this super weapon that would destroy the Judge (was that a cheesy blue monster or what? I'm glad he had such a sucky death) while he and Willow waited in the van. He asked her if they did that often. Witty little person that she is, she explained that they didn't have cable so had to make their own fun. Poor Sunnydalians 0:-( Anyways...I do get off on tangents don't I? Oz was kind of surprised by the whole thing. Willow & Co. don't seem like the type of kids who break into bases but he took it all in stride - and that makes him officially cool 0:-) I'm sure Seth Green can sleep easily now 0:-)

Yet what separates Oz from every other main character on BtVS is his werewolfness. Its true: Oz is a werewolf and every month undergoes wicked changes. It seems his cousin Jordy bit him once while playing and soon after Oz started waking up naked in the middle of the woods (click on the link below to find out more). He added A and B, used his good test taking abilities and realized he was the werewolf. He was going through a life crisis and meanwhile Willow was being such a girl and worrying because they have not kissed yet. She doesn't realise that something much bigger is going on. She rushed over to the guy's house - all excited and ready to confront him when he starts well ... morphing. Their relationship sort of changed after that. 0:-) BTW, Willow accepted it all because she says that for a couple of days out of every month she’s not a very nice person either 0:-)

I always wished they could do something about his “disease” though...can’t they put cancer on the back burner for a couple of hours and cure this kid? He’s a nice person with a cute smile and just deserves to be cured 0:-)
Besides what kind of kids would Willow and he have? mmm...something new to think about 0:-) 

I say "always wished" because as everyone knows, Oz is no longer a cast member. The week after he left, his name was replaced in the opening credits. Poor Oz knew he wasn't alone in the world and soon after he started college he met a seductive young werewolf who went by the name of Veruca.  The serpentine young lady snaked her head and seduced the werewolf Oz. He stood up to her, defending his true love and claimed he could never love anyone while Willow was still alive. Yet everyone knows wolves mate for life. Veruca sought to remedy the situation by killing Willow. Luckily Oz showed up just in time to save her...unfortunately the only way he could save Willow was by killing Veruca. He started a fight and as the sun set, he attacked the long haired wolf and ripped out her jugular.

The next day everyone was silent. The idea of murder had never crossed their minds and for the serene Oz, his actions reversed everything he knew about himself and what he was capable of. He decided to leave town, his true love and the life he knew behind. He was off to seek unspoiled nature, perfect serenity and himself. No one knows when he and his music would return...if ever. 

Want to see a Naked Oz? You know what to do. 0:-)

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