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Brianne's Webpage


Hi! My name is Brianne. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. This webpage serves three basic purposes: it allows me to tell all of you people (except for you people who already know me, which probably accounts for 95% of the people viewing this page) a little about myself, it is yet another way to display some of my many photographs besides the 8 million frames that are scattered around my apartment, and it is a wonderful means of procrastination :) It's nothing fancy, but I like it. So, thanks for visiting. If you've taken the time to actually look at my page, you probably aren't too busy at the moment. So hopefully you have a minute or two to sign my guestbook or email me and let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy!! :)

All about Brianne.
Everything you ever wanted to know about me but were afraid to ask!!! Ummm... right.

Pics of my friends from Rutgers.
All the people who keep my sane.

All the old school girls.
They've put up with me since we were in 5th grade. I don't think I could have put up with me for that long :)

La familia.
Some of the most important people in the world

Exciting news about me!!!

This page won't change too often... trust me.

Links :)

Check out the things and people I like!

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