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Hiroki: What's up, piggy? Hope your flight home was the piggest. Tell all your piggy friends I said "ohayou," okay? Thanks for putting up with me and for all the funny shiznit (remember what that means?) these past two semesters. I will treasure the knowledge you have bestowed upon me for as long as I remember, about 2 weeks. Take care, and spank that licensing exam good. Gambatte, Niko-chan!!! KOMANECHI!!!



Time Left

220702. ????

The countdown script you see above is courtesy of my CSC professor, Dr. David Reed.


It's this kind of thoughtfulness that makes me remember why I gave up birthdays.

My thoughts on thongs versus dental floss? Click here for a bandwith-friendly, 344 KB movie
(thanks Lei!)

Kel learns Japanese! (kind of): "Japanese is hard" (467 KB) and "Kirai = 'I don't like'" (297 KB). There's also "Buri-in?" (1.05 MB) and "Say it Wrong to Say it Right" (1.23 MB).

Want to play slots, but aren't old enough to? *peers at Dee* Then try the next best thing with a modified version of my computer science final project: Kel-kun's Anime Slot Machine! Yatta!



"d4 j4yb3rd h4z h4x0r3d j00!!!" -Jay's message sent along with the Megatokyo shirt he ordered for me as a birthday gift.

"It's very hard to translate this stupid." -Hiroki, talking about "Spacy Spicy Love" from Vandread.

"Ookii. Chimpo. *pause* oh sh*t." -Me, about five minutes after Hiroki told me not to say anything inappropriate in front of the Japanese girls visiting from St. Mary's College at dinner (I meant to say "chiisai!" Honest!!).

"Wait wait wait. Mount Asshole??" -Me, talking to Mako, an exchange student from Mount Aso in Japan.

"Let's go where these big buildings are ." -Lei, while trying to figure out where to go in Kansas City.

"It took down the Tiki! It took down the Tiki! Damn you!" -It's a very windy day today. The wind blew our blinds and knocked over the Tiki statue Deanna gave me. Wouldn't you know it, we have a tornado watch for the next few hours  =/



Yeah, me too. Try these other places if you've got time to kill:

My webpage for computer science: It's lonely. Much like it's creator =P

Megatokyo: Online manga. A must-read.

Residence Life: Another online comic.

Hardimon's Homepage: The beginnings of his page.