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meet turtle

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  Hello my name is Turtle. I am a 35 year old vegetarian musician living in the central coast region of California. I like to play music, hike and camp, travel, play Disc Golf and cook, but most of all I enjoy spending time with my partner Janet and our three animal companions, Samson, Tucholsky and Beya. I love them dearly.

  Traveling, which I do quite a bit of enables me to see alot of places. So when I'm on the road I try to find a Disc Golf Course, you know, and play a couple of rounds just to relax. I always look around for vegetarian restaurants too.

  I have always loved to cook and since becoming a vegan, my options, unlike I expected, seem limitless. I now enjoy all kinds of new foods , organic vegetables and fruits, and new combinations of familiar foods.

  Organic gardening is a passion of mine. In its own back breaking sort of way, it's rewarding. My incentive is that home-grown organic vegetables have more flavor than anything I could buy in the grocery store.

("Jessica"-The Allman Brothers)

 Ever since my first Rock concert, music has played a major role in my life. Although there isn't much music I don't like, it seems I am most influenced by the improvisational styles of bands like The Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers.

Over the the last 15 years I have been in several bands and played everything from Pop to Rock and Bluegrass to Alternative Country. I've even managed to pass myself off as a competent sound engineer. While my life seemed a little unstable, one thing remained constant. I was always writing music and lyrics.

  When I am performing with other musicians there seems to be magic in the air. I feel that we're all wondering about what could possibly happen next. Thats the feeling that spawns the incentive to create. I love it.Turtle apearing as an angel at Black Tusk I just recently left an 8 year section of my musical life behind me in North Carolina. It was cool. I had a great time while meeting some of my good friends there. Moving to California though, made it virtually impossible to continue playing music with those folks, as much as I'd like to. Thanks to my musician friends, for it was through their determination to book gigs and sheer dedication to performing that made it possible for there to be a dream for me to follow. (Janet, my family and friends, Tim Stambaugh, Jon Shain, John Currie, The Squirell Nut Zippers, MarkRelax man, life is just a party and Kirsten Simonsen and Doug Bremseth) These folks believe in my ability to create and for that I am truly grateful. Below are some pictures of Janet, Samson (our dog) and Tucholsky and Beya (our cats).
Thank you for visiting Turtle Lane and enjoy your stay. Take it easy everybody, Turtle

(I think this dog needs to go outside)

Janet at Black Tusk

Janet and Samson

Tucholsky is ready to pounceThe queen of her domain, the one, the only, Bah kitty

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