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Lorraine's Home Page

Hello, and welcome to my homepage! In the beginning I tried on numerous occassions to put my page up. This time as I came to the computer, I tripped and fell, ending up with the monitor on my head, the scanner attached to my right hand and the printer attached to my left hand, and all tangled up in the wires!!!! argggg

I feel like Mrs. Bean in virtual reality. Oh god,,,, I just looked in the mirror and realized that I should never have bought a monitor with side speakers, which now happen to be my ears. Gosh, I look like Dumbo, and I know I certianly cannot fly....

Getting tangled in the wires is not so bad, but ending up in the waste basket is terrible! I am a short person! Help me.... for I have fallen, and can't get up out of the basket!!!!!

I have stood at the monitor now on several occassions yelling into the little speaker, "THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?" And what did I get back????? One of my attempts, came back in Spanish. How they ever translated Lorraine into Diego is beyond me..... Sorry Diego, but your page went with the little click of the button, OOPPPPPss gone is all I can say.

I hope you come back and see my progress here, and if this page is not updated, then you will all know that I have been encased in a tomb of boxes that this computer came with, and I will end up in a time capsule somewhere. Won't the first archeologist that finds me, wonder how the heck I got there, or worse whyyyyyyyyy? So much for leaving an imprint on this world!

The things that go on in my life can be read like a comedy skit. I remember last year going for a job interview as a Dispatcher. I had some reservations, as there was no address and no company name. But we all know what it is like when we need to get to work and get some earning power back. I thought I was going into a Private Dick's Office, but once I got in there, there was an odor of Eau de Doggie Dooo perfume. Now it could have been expensive perfume but it was surely not very pleasing to my nostrils. The Interviewer came out in all her regella, shorts and a T-Shirt. WHAT HAD I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO AGAIN? During the interview the phone rang, and as I knew that this would be part of the job, I listened very intently. Well, I soon realized that this was an escort service, when she said, "That will be 150 dollars an hour all inclusive!". Yikes I wanted out there in a big hurry. I did and my husband thought it was one heck of a way to try to find a job!

Please have patience with my construction, but come again and visit me OFTEN AND I DO MEAN OFTEN to see my progress.

P.S. If you happen to see one of your graphics up here on my pages please email me to give me your address so I can credit it to you. You see I was very new and did not link most of my stuff, sorry if I have upset anyone just let me know and I will certainly give you the credit. Thanks for understanding a newbie.

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