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.Well, welcome to my apartment. I know it's not very much, but it's my little place in the world. Would you like to sit....... No actually I haven't got my furniture here yet, so you can sit on a box or stand?... O.K, would you like some chicken rice? (Thanks Nathan J! *L*) No, I wouldn't blame you!"

"Well, this is only my temporary home. I will be moving into a lot more lavish home later on in the year but 'til then you have wait. Would you like the grand tour of my apartment?.....No? OK"

...In the distance a phone rings....

"Oh, I better get that. Could be something important! So you just stay here, would you? Good, excuse me."

.....And with that Michael left. You look around, loads of boxes everywhere. You become little curious and decide to have a look in a couple of his boxes. There's 3 boxes and some other stuff in arm reach so you decide to look in one/two/or all of those boxes.....

Or go here when you've gone through all Michael's stuff you want to.

Page produced by Michael R Williams

Write to me at t&