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About Ashley

ABOUT ASHLEY Welcome to the Ashly Baseball Little League home page.We are in South Africa and are stationed in Durban. It may suprise a lot of people to hear that baseball is played in South Africa but it is so. Our club plays from U8,U10,U12,U14,U16 and we also have a major league section. We are purely an amatuer sport and rely a lot on fund raising and donations to purchase equipment. Baseball is played in all the major centres in South Africa all be it on a smallish scale.We are also represented by a over 35 team who are current holders of the world title. Recently a few scouts were out here from America and signed up 3 of our up and coming younsters and it is hoped that there will be more to follow. We are trying to develop baseball in our country as we feel that it is an ideal sport for kids to develop hand eye co-ordination.At present there is a push to try an implement it into the schools and we hope that this succeeds.
TRAINING Training takes place every Tuesday and Thursday from 17h00 to 18h00 and the season starts from 2nd August 1997 with registration from 12h00 at Ashley Sports Club.Fees have been set at R100.00 per child,R80.00 for second child.
CONTACTS The following are the persons to contact feel free to contact even if you are visiting our country. Chairman - Stewart van Blerk W) 26669777 Vice - Errol Paul W) 3002603 Secratary - Wilma van Blerk W) 7013495 Fixtures - Adele Ellse W) 3612904
VS AT DATE TIME U8B - U8A - U10B - U10A - U12C - U12B - U12A - U14B - U14A - U16A - This will be updated on a weekly basis every Monday
NATAL The ipt will take place in April 1998 and it is hoped that we can get a fair share of players selected this year.
WHO CAN PLAY Anyone be it boy or girl can play the age group works as such If 8 before 1 August still under 8 If 8 after 1 August will be under 10 The same applies for all age groups
BREAKING NEWS At present a new set of floodlights are being erected on the soccer field and it is hoped that Nightball will be played for the coming season. We hope that you like our web page and if you can help to futher the cause of Baseball in South Africa and at our club Be it by Donations of bats,mits etc or any other means please feel free to contact me on my e-mail. Peter and Adele Ellse Thank you for the support in the past and watch for my new homepage that will be up soon.

Winner of the RBI Award © 1996

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