graphic art sculpture poetry dreams and fantasies conceptual and intellectual at times funny and odd and sexy and impressionist expressionist or romantic stone sculpture installations performances etc,art Art ART Canadian SCULPTURE TRANSIENT transient art This is a page dedicated to Art and all my directions in the said field. Art artist sculpture poet scuptor poetry video photographic graphic installations Doug Douglas Douglas J Douglas James Douglas J. Thorburn, Douglas James Thorburn, Thor77, Thorb, Thorb79, Thorb81, Thorb97, and, or, ThorbArt thorbart thorbart97 Doug the Electrician, Artist/electrician Art Sculpture Video, Painting Serigraphy Ceramics Poetry drawing performance music love life sex desktop publishing webpage design web page design web-page design, compassion, empathy, hope, dreams faith, natural, open, new, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, urban, rural industrial, construction, residential, PLC, University, University of Guelph Kingston Ontario Canada Global international, union happy curious contract abstract impressionist conceptual inventive inventions new-age old school art oil painting water colour Canada Ontario Toronto Kingston Eastern Ontario Ottawa A1 best quality University of Guelph, forever young, realist dreamer fantasy romantic art photos b&w color colou Canadian singer song writer dream harmonica guitar keyboards amateur professional computer graphics design  etc... .

Graphic art:

Seems to be a question of taste mixed with balance and aesthetic appeal. We think we know what we want until we try to create it. Then it is time for consultation and group effort. I am an artist who is trained [schooled] in fine art and have studied all aspects of art. I specialized in sculpture and printmaking hobbied in analysis of advertising, layout and design. I have worked on a small news paper and created some posters. Lately I have mainly been working on web pages. My drawings range from pure abstract to cartoonish and oneline style drawings. My detailed drawings are primarily for sculptural ideas. My eye for balance and flare for excitement in image allows me to create interesting and catchy graphics. I enjoy playing with different ideas and cut and paste techniques. I have been working on photo collages first in the darkroom in 79 and now on the computer. If any collaboration or consultation is needed on your part then feel free to contact me and we can work something out that I am sure will be satisfactory for all of us. Feel free to bookmark any of my pages and please explore my web experiments. [Then I won't feel this is such a waste of time] :Thorb98:
Hung out to dry Fairwell is always painful
play fair graphic background idea
Click on a picture for a larger image in a seperate window

In this picture of "The Beach" you will find lots of links to other sites I have created.
The Beach in my Soho Loft @  Geocities
"The Beach" is a Black and white photo colourized with a paint program.


ThorbArt 4u2c @ Geocities

Copyright © 1997 ThorbArt
Last revised: November 22, 1997


Douglas J. Thorburn

all rights reserved for permission to purchase the use of this or other art contact me via e-mail is a general business e-mail is for more intimate mail from friends.

for sculpture business

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