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Disclaimer: All of my pictures have been stolen! I do not have ONE original picture on this site as of yet. If you happen to come across a picture that belongs to you, and are angered by it's theft, simply e-mail me and gripe, I'll remove it!

Finally, after two years hiatus, @moeb@ reaturns to update what is rightfully stupid! It's been a long and dusty road since my last update two bloody years ago. What's different? Well, now I feel as if I can swear as fucking much as I want to, because I no longer care whether this page is taken down! I left it alone for two whole years (basically forgetting about it's very existance) and yet, like a zombie intent on eatin' brains, it kept on truckin' without a brain to manoever it! Maybe I aught' to re-name it Zombie World! Mmm... BRAINS! hehehehe, fuck.

So, how am I you ask? Well... I sold the turntables, as they were shit-assed Geminis, one direct drive, one belt drive... and upgraded to two brand new Techs. It was worth it! I now spin almost exclusively Acid Techno, and a tiny bit of Jungle. AND, I don't suck. I've been using the name Kelly Statik... and since I'm still kinda' "stage-frightey" I haven't spun-out yet. Some day soon though.

Check around... as I get the time I'll be updating my other pages... or maybe already have! Go check! Now!!!

The new and improved @moeb@World!

Hey you! You have the power to either send your praise or insults via my e-mail account! Do it, okay? I'll probably answer you if I have time.

If I only had a brain...
