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UAE's Games and Sports


Traditional Games

The Doll Game
A girls game where each girl makes her own doll from wooden pieces and clothing materials.. Usually the girls meets in one house, each with its toys, and play.

The "Al Ghomaid" Game
The children gathered and one of them is blindfolded to block his vision, then he is required to catch one of the boys who avoid him, making sounds to confuse him. When the blind child catches one of the other players, it is the player turn to be that blindfolded and the game is repeated.

The "Umm Al Ial" Game
A group game for girls. One of the girls acts the role of the mother who defends her children against the wolf who is represented by another girls.

The Palm Branch Car Game
The toy car is made of palm branches stripped of their leaves. The two ends of the palm branch are tied and the car is decorated with pieces of cloth of different bright colors along the rope, then the boy runs pushing the car from behind.

The "Al Ma'okazi" game
A game played by a group of boys. They are required to walk on tip toes. The player who walks the faster for the longest distance is the winner.

The "Al Qarahief" game
Al Qarhaf is made from an empty circular tin. Two tines are pierced in the middle and a string is passed through the hole and fixed inside the tin. The player puts each of his feet in one of the tins and moves.

The "Al Kashati" game
A game played in the seaside. It consists of a boat made of palm branches stripped of leaves, in which a hole is made and some feather's (chicken or pigeon) are fixed to represent a snail, and the boy pushes the toy boat in the sea water.

The "Al Baeir Min Al Karab" Game
The boys prepare a bunch of palm leaves and tie it in the form of a train. They put a toy girl on it and one of them pulls the front string imitating the Bodwians.

The "Al Meryeihana" Game
A strong rope is tied in a tree branch. Two girls sit on two facing ropes and two girls push them forward to swing. It can be played by one girl too.

The Cock & Chicken Game
A game played on the shallow sea water, where a group of boys forms a circle and one of them strikes the water with his fingers, and if the stroke makes a sound it means (cock), but if no sound issues, then it is (chicken).

The "Al Saqlah" Game
This game is played by girls only. The number of players does not exceed four girls. They make a hole in the ground, put a number of small stones or pebble in the hole and one of them troughs the key stone upwards, extracts whatever number of stones from the hole and catches the key stone before it falls. She repeats the act as long as she manages to catch the key stone. In case she fails to catch the key stone, she returns the last quantity of stones to the whole and the trun goes to the next player. this continues until there are no more stones in the hole. The player who collects the highest number of stones is the winner.

The "Hawari" game
A toy ship is made of palm leaves. The boy plays with it with his colleagues.

Traditional Sports

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Last updated : January 20, 1999.