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  • Family
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Hi, this is Nancy. I'd like to help ya with all your problems. Are you a teen not knowing what to do? Are you a parent of a troubled teen wanting some advice?
Well, if that's so, you've come to the right place. Because Advice-2-Teens are made up of caring, trustworthy teens who wants to help you. We can help you in every subject including friends, family, abuse, relationships, depression, and much, much more! Every advice request we get will be kept confidential. We will NOT sell your name or information. Also, if you'd like, you can chat
with people for advice...or whatever. Counselors
of Advice-2-Teens may and may not be there.

Disclaimer:***Advice-2-Teens is made up of non-professional teens wanting to help other teens with their problems. We are not responsible for anything. We give advice and that is all. Whatever you do is your choice and we are not responsible for what happens. Advice-2-Teens may only be used if the above is agreed to the user***


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