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Tribute to Matthew Shepard

The Christian Coalition has ordered House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senator Lott to "kill" the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

My coverpage I have dedicated to Matthew Shepard and everyone else who were made to succumb to the sickness of hatred that so many like the "Christian Coalition" have taken up as their "Holy Grail", their "Divine Right" for a "Holy Crusade".
The "Holy Church of Rome" ("Christian Coalition" of that era), believed it their "Divine Right" to bestow such hatred upon anyone that did not follow the ways of Rome, thus began the "Spanish Inquisition".
"Adolfe Hitler and his Nazi Regime" (Ignored by the "Christian Coalition" of that era. Thousands upon thousands had to die senselessly before anything was done.) during WWII, believed it their "Divine Right" to rid the world of such "filth" as Jews, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.
In the U.S. till this very day, the "KKK" (supported secretly by members of such groups as the "Christian Coalition") regard themselves "Soldiers of Jesus Christ", yet the "KKK" bestows hatred upon Blacks, Catholics, Jews, etc.
Hitler killed them.
The Church condemns them.
Society persecutes them.
We Will Not Forget, We Will Not Be Silent!
Matthew Deserves No Less!

"Better get ready, gonna see the light. Love, love is the answer, that's alright.

So don't you give up now, so easy to find. Just look to your soul, open your mind.

Maybe tomorrow, when He looks down on every green field and every town, all of His children of every nation,

there'll be Peace and Good, Brotherhood..."

(Excerpts from the song titled "Crystal Blue Persuasion" sung by Tommy James and the Shondells. Words and Music by Tommy James, Mike Vale, and Ed Gray.)
Other links honoring Matthew Shepard

This Matthew Shepard Memorial Web Ring site owned by Virgil Love.
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"Love conquers hate.

There's nothing that Love can't do so why must we all wait?

If Man is gonna be Free, then he's got to listen and he must Believe."

(Excerpt from song titled "Imagine" performed by Hawaii's #1 Jazz Fusion band, Seawind, featuring Pauline Wilson)
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