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Tiff and Shel's Picture Page

Hi Everybody! We like to take pictures (or is it just the wasting of film?) so we have made a page to show the world (really only our friends will come though) our work.

Anyways, the real reason we have a site with only Pictures on it is because we're too lazy to write anything, but that's a whole other story.

We must thank Susanne for all her patience and help with this because we aren't always very smart. So there's a link to her page... Aisyland... GO NOW!!!

We hope you enjoy our page

~Tiffany and Shelagh

This is Shelagh on the left and Tiffany on the right (gotta love Tiff's chubby cheeks), infront of Tiff's locker at school. If you look closely, you might be able to see some of the stuff in there. Email us with what you see!

Where are these wonderfully professional pictures from?