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My Take on Stupid High School Fights

Stupid things people do in high school


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Some people are so stupid. At least, thats what I think. As you can see, I have compiled a list of dumb things people do in high school. Let me explain to you each one.

1. Stealing boyfriends and girlfriends is probably one of the most idiotic thing one can do in high school! I mean REALLY. What the heck? In high school, you are simply looking for what you like in a person and what you dont like. Chances are, you probably will dump this person after awhile, and if you are meant to be together, you will be some day a long time after they get rid of their significant other. And here is a hint: if they are willing to ditch someone they "care" about, they have a major character flaw. I mean really, just calm down your hormones and find someone else!!!

2. Fail out. DUH!!! Dont skip, ditch, or fail school. It isnt that hard. And if you dont have a high school diploma, you are basically deemed "stupid". I mean yeah, maybe there are really good reasons you are failing... but come on!!! For most people I have found its just lack of caring and lack of trying. Get off your lazy butt and do something. Its not that difficult!!!

3. Fight with each other. Yeah, the people you have known all your life are going to change. But you cant fight that change, you just have to accept it. You also have to accept that the people who screw you over just arent your friends and you should just let it go. You are going to get into little squabbles here and there, but its basically pointless! There are other cool people out there. If you are having a tough time with someone, just drop it. They will either come around, or you will find someone else to chill with. Comprende?

4. Doing drugs. oh PLEASE. I think this is the most pointless waste of everything! Think about it, hmm, lets waste my money and time and brain so I can not remember how amazing I felt. GREAT IDEA. Wrong. I think this is so pointless and I dont see why people would do drugs! Thats about the end of it.

5. Making fun of people. Its just really rude. I know you are going to have a good time with your friends and bust on them... but making fun of people you dont even know a thing about it just ignorant. It makes them feel bad about themselves, and it makes you look stupid. Everyone is going to do it a few times, but just tone it down, okay?

6. So many people seclude themselves from really fun things. I know a ton of people who arent involved in anything at school. I cant get involved enough! I am in several choirs, did the musical, Impact, homecoming float, I went to football games, participated in a lot of things. How can you want to stay out of meeting new people and having a fun time? Where else are so many people going to be at your disposal to meet? Just get involved somewhere! Its stupid not to.

7. Lots of people pretend that they dont like high school. And granted, some probably really dont. Cause they are uninvolved, failing, doing drugs, and doing all the other stupid things on this list. I love high school. Although it has its ups and downs, I know I will look back on these years and have happy memories. So dont pretend that you dont know this is the most carefree time of your life!

So there are 7 stupid things people do in high school. This is the best time of your life maybe. Why would you want to ruin it? Why wouldnt you want to have the best time possible? Just think about it.
