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Random Thoughts

Hi! This is the beginning of a random thoughts, comments, and questions page. If you happen to have any, email me and I will post it if I think its cool. :)
Do animals have self-esteem? Does an elephant look in a mirror and say, oh my, I have been putting on wieght?
Ever feel like we are this tiny part of the universe, and our lives are somewhat meaningless little specs in the infinity of time?
Ever wonder if your dreams were merely rememberances of a past life or a prediction of the future?
If humans only use like 10% of their brain, what would happen if we used 50% or even 100%?
Have you ever felt like chicken tonight?
Do you think the future will have a spoken language or will everyone just read minds?
Do you think modern-day witches exist?
Do you think that Latoya Jackson really has psychic powers, or is it just the plastic surgery going to her head?
Do you sometimes think that life is sometimes very petty? Like in high school, everyone fights and talks behind everyone else backs and all that junk... is it really significant, or does it not matter?
Which is more appealing to the eye? Someone who is anorexic, or someone who is obese? Which is the lesser of the two evils?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you think that everyone has a soul mate, and if they do, what happens if you live in the US and they live in Russia, is it destiny that you will meet them?
Isnt wierd how fate always trades shoes with you... what you did to someone will eventually be done to you and vice versa?
Do you think its true that EVERYONE loves cotton?
Where do burps come from? Where was that gas being stored and why does it come out as a burp and not regular breathing?
How are condoms "sensitive?" What exactly does that mean???
How come Anime is SOOO much better than American cartoons?
Do animals have a certain language like we do... such as do the sounds of a bird mean something other then Hey, I am a bird, I love to sing, come mate with me in this nice nest I made?
What exactly is time? Yeah Yeah, its the length for the world to spin on its axis and revolve around the sun... but really, what is time? Its not a physical thing... its just... wierd.
Why do others (including myself) tell people how they can be happy when in reality, they have to just realize themselves how to be happy? No life teaching can ever be of value in my mind unless you experience it yourself. Well, most of the time.
This one is pretty nasty so hold your horses.... how can ANYONE fit a penis up their butt?!?!?!?!?!?!?! nuf said!!!!
how can someone lose their short-term memory but not their long-term?!?! Like, do they forget what they ate for breakfast at say noon, but 5 years later they comment on how sweet that type of grape fruit was???
How does one become obsessed with another? How can you force your brain to concentrate on one person like that???
What do people get out of cyber sex? I mean, COME ON! You can't see the person, they can't see you... and its certainly your own hand getting tired, not theirs. I mean, YUCK!
Why is jello so nice to play with?
How come you can't tell as much when guys have hard nipples?