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Working (UG)

My Job List

Ah working... doesnt everyone love the satisfaction of a job well done? NO! I dont. I mean, I get a kick out of working, but its just like everything else... it tends to get repetative.
Sunoco... They are the lucky ones who hired me first. And I really liked it there. In the beginning, it was very busy so I was working overtime and got mad cash every week. Basically what I did there was deli, cashier, clean, and stock. It was really really really easy. A lot of nights when I worked the second shift, I sat on my butt. And cool people worked there with me. I mean, yeah, there were those who smoked up in the back cooler... those who had reeces peanut butter cup fights in the parking lot... but all in all, it was a good time. And even though I was the youngest one there, I had some seniority over people. Which rocked. But anyways, I worked less and less as I got more and more involved in school, so one time they did not schedule me for two weeks and I was like what the heck?!?!? So I looked for another job. I got the one at Wrights. I stopped working at Sunoco for awhile cause I was doing a play at my school. Then Sunoco and Wrights were both scheduling me, so I quit Sunoco.
Wrights... I worked my butt off at that place! I did deli. So I basically smelled like meat when I got home. And i only worked weekends. I liked it there cause they understood what it was like to be a kid and have a lot to do at school. And the people were really nice. Unfortunatly, they fired me. Yeah. Cause it was the end of school, and I was really busy. I had to take the SATS and they didnt wanna let me have off!!!! What?!?!?!?! Um, yeah, I MIGHT skip one of the most important tests I will ever take to go to WORK. HA! Plus they didnt pay me that much. Oh well.
Lauries... get this... i went up and got hired on the spot. Laurie trained me for an hour, and then LEFT. Yeah, thats right, me running the store solo!!!!!!! go figure! Trusting much? Its pretty cool up there cause sometimes I just sat on my butt. But when Laurie is around, I did whatever she told me to do which was usually means physical labor in the sun. but I could deal. shes paid me well but then started screwing with me, so I up and quit!
Clemens... Can you say Head Bagger? Oh yeah, baby. I think I was the oldest bagger there aside from the retirees. I worked here for a couple of years and summers... and I actually never quit. I think if I went back there I could probably still work. And to that I say heeeeeeeeeeeeells no. Extended Stay America.... I think the jobs keep getting worse. I was a counter person at this hotel. I dont think I would ever STAY in an ESA, even if someone paid me to. I have some of the nastiest stories from this place. Just remember: the comforters are rarely washed.
Camp Donegal... Finally, a good job. I love love love love looooooooove Camp. Its the best place EVER. I loved being a counselor, I loved the kids, I loved hiking, I loved being outside, I loved campfire, I loved singing, I loved my co workers. Camp was fantastic and I cant wait to go back this summer.
Paint Crew... This was the only job I ever got fired from. yeehaw. I was on a paint crew with 4 other guys. We did speed bumps, lamp posts, stop signs (the green part)... you name it, I painted it. I got fired after a week because I failed to tell them that I couldnt work the entire summer. And the found out. Oops.
Personal Assistant... I am not gonna mention any names.... but I have never met a more incompetant 35 yr old bachelor who had inappropriate feelings for his dog. This job SUCKED. Ever been told how smart you are for being able to sign online? yeah.
Lollipop Balloons.... I was part of the hot air balloon crew which set the balloon up, chased it, and took it down. This job was soooo cool! I loved it! I learned a lot and I got a free ride out of it. Yay for this job.
Ushering... Ever hear of Dance World Academy? If you live in North Jersey.... just run, run far, run fast. "the mickey bus is cooooming" EEK. Can you say 3 hr long FIRST ACT?!?!?!
Microbiology... I am currently a med tech student and I work in Microbiology. Who knew playing with bodily excretions would be so much fun? Seriously though, I love micro, its very cool, and I love the people I work with.

So far so good I guess? I have held a lot of jobs.... and im sure there are plenty more to come.

And as far as the future goes... I am going back to school after I graduate from PSU in a few months. I am going to get a teaching certificate for high school biology. Eventually I would like to teach micro at a college level, but that requires a doctorate. We will see what happens. :)
