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Fun Stuff Me and My Friends Do

Things to do in Downingtown

Okay, so there isnt a ton of stuff to do in Downingtown, Pa. Its true... we are just a boring suburb of Philly. And it sucks. But I have to admit, whenever my friends and I get together, we have a blast. So I am just going to recount some of the more memorable things we have done.

I had a group over to swim at my house. Me and Dave T got into an ice cream fight. I kinda took some of the Ben and Jerrys Phish Food we had and smeared it on his chest. Then he got it on me... then I got more on him. And he ended up with a big fistfull of it and wiped it on me. We were laughing. Then we hugged each other and got it even more on ourselves. That was fun.

One night everyone was over and we played this game Mafia where basically you decide as a group to kill people off till either the Mafia or the Cops win. Thats pretty cool cause you end up shouting peoples names like I WANT SCOTT TO DIE!!!! Its cool. :)

My friend Maria always has a big New Years Eve party and this year we had a camcorder and my friends went around asking resolutions and stuff. and at midnight we ate grapes and drank sparkling cider and kissed EVERYONE.

Some times we have GNO's which stands for Girls Night Out! And the guys might come for awhile, but we end up gossiping and doing girly-type stuff like talking about the guys!

Dave and Monica signed up for swing dance lessons, which they both said was pretty cool. Hopefully i will learn it too some day.

Sometimes when my friends and I are at school waiting around for choir practice or whatever, we start singing. And we see if we can make up harmonies and dances and stuff. we just goof around and make fun of professional singers and stuff. Its sooo much fun cause no matter what we do, we still sound pretty kickin.

me and Chris went to Marsh Creek and rented a row boat. Yeah, i have blisters. Yeah, i was rowing. Its all good. It was really fun and it was gorgeous out.

I went to the shore with Lisa and Dave S one weekend. It rocked. We went in the water, and walked the boards. We had sooooo much fun. But we didnt get to see the AMAZING GLASS HOUSE!

Sometimes we act retarded and play truth or dare. One time we were at Lisas house. Someone had to eat cat food, me and Beth had to kiss, someone else had to lick someones face. It gets pretty interesting. :)

Once Beth had a serial prank caller at her house. This same girl would always call up and ask for random girls or yell into the phone. She hadnt called for awhile, and was seemingly gone. So I called up Beth and said in her voice, Hi, is Stephanie there? And Beth yelled at me saying to stop calling, then she hung up. And i laughed and laughed and laughed and then I called her back. She wasnt too thrilled. :)

Lots of times, me and my friends go bowling. Not that we are good, but we have a fun time wearing those stylin clown shoes. :)

At the shore, me and Beth did experiments. One night we dressed up in hoochies just to see what kinda people we would meet and stuff. We met a lot of STONERS. It was fun though. We looked pretty darn good.

When there is really nothing at all to do, sometimes me and whoever sit outside on my curb at night with the thousands of candles I have recieved over the past three birthdays and just look at the stars. Thats always fun to do... or we sit in the hammock. Which is also an equally good time.

One night several of my friends and I went to a place called Funscape in Delaware. It was pretty cool, they had bumper cars and video games and go-karts. The go-karts were pretty cool cause I was kicking eveyrones butt but I got whiplash in the process just cause the rest of my friends (ahem, Jenn C and Lisa) didnt know how to use their brakes and we sorta had a chain collision. :(

High school football games heh

Senior yr of high school, i spent all my time at school with my musical buds... talking about zits that take up your entire face, you danced..... a fairy princess, smelly feet, dancing with brooms, flashing people, fighting with the quartet. All that kinda fun stuff.

One night I invited all these people over my house.... and only 3 came. So we made some mac n cheese, played Bubble Bobble, and made fun of the movie Dune. It was SUCH a good time.

Here is a recent event: wrestling... just beating each other up. Its rather interesting. I usually win. What can i say? I am butch!!!!

Sing. And sing... and sing some more. HEY! Let's sing!

Movie nights rock. We have had Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Godfather, and a number of others. Quality time baby.

Can you say Spice Girls Video? You have never heard Wannabe like THIS! Soon there will be a second addition with BSB!!!

At college, its always fun to make fun of sorority girls... Black Pants $45. Rush Registration $15. Sigma Sisterhood... PRICELESS. (gagme)

And now that I am living in Philly alone and its my senior year of college, this is what I do...

Go visit PSU. I am always going to support my old a capella group, the Pennharmonics. They are wonderful people, who, by the way, are on their way to the national championship FINALS in NYC. Go Penns.

I like the opera. A lot. So I make people go with me. Its wonderful to have the Kimmel Center and the Academy of Music 3 blocks away from your apt.

I dont really do anything else in philly cuz I have no friends. But if I can force someone to come and visit me, we usually end up going out to dinner and taking in some cultural event like a museum or something. My, how high brow.

So thats about it, maybe once I get a life again I will have more things to write here. But as of now.... its just gonna be empty.