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The Clique!

Why My Friends Are Cool

This is a page dedicated to some of my closest friends from back home. Namely, the girls on Senior Week. It is much easier to just cut it down to that crew rather than everyone. So I am going to try to have cool stuff on here like what the crew is like, fun stuff thats happened to us. Things like that. You know the routine.

I miss you guys!

Let's start off with who you are and what I think about you!

My gals...

Jenn... I miss you lots and I know that no matter where you are, that you are always going to be one of my best friends. Its a good feeling knowing that despite the distance and other circumstances that things dont really change between true friends.

Jenny... You really crack me up sometimes. You are so blunt and forthright sometimes. I absolutely love it. You are a sweetheart and deserve the best.

Leslie... You are such a nut. I like it when you are crazy and I am totally comfy around you. You are so laid back, its great, and I always feel chilled and relaxed around you.

Nancy... I miss you girlFRIEND. I love how silly you can be, but how you have an intelligent and serious side too. I am so excited for you with grad school and your boy. Things are definitely going in the right direction for you, and I never doubted that they would cuz you are a hard worker and a wonderful person.

Paige... Out of everyone, you and I have had the most assorted history, and i am glad that we do, cuz I think it makes our friendship interesting. I really like being around you because you are so intelligent and full of ideas. I also love how you are for "togetherness" activities. Thanks for being my friend again. :)

I love you guys, thanks for always being there when I need you.

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