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Mis Amigos

These are my boys.... they kick!!!

Jon ~ Love never dies.
Tim ~ We have grown so much closer over the past year, and I know that I could not have made it without you! Thanks for always listening to me and for sending care packages just when i need them most!
Josh ~ What would I do without you?
Brian ~ You should believe in yourself more than you do because you really are a great guy.
Aaron ~ Who else would indulge my girlish fantasies of... playing video games all night? Yeah. I think you are great and I always look forward to seeing you when I come home.
Ben ~ I do not think I will ever be able to figure you out. But thats okay, cuz I still like ya, and I really like hanging out with you. You make me laugh.
Ethan ~ I have enjoyed getting to know you!!! You are such an interesting person and we have a lot of the same likes. (Aside from the fact that I am not a computer dork) You are very cool.
Ray ~ Its nice to have someone who is always around to talk to. I am very glad we met, just dont push it. ;)
Adam ~ You are like a little/big brother to me. You are such a special person and I am super happy that you and Erin have each other cuz I want the best for you and I definitely think its her!
Alex ~ Youre so great! I can always count on you if I need someone, and I trust you a lot more than you know. Thanks for everything. :)
Matt ~ I love annoying you. You are a cool person and some day your princess will come, im sure.
Phil ~ You definitely intrigue me and overall you are a great person to talk to and hang out with. I am glad we are friends.

You guys are awesome!!!!

That is it for now, but perhaps more to come later!

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