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Shy Fox's Den

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Hey! Welcome to my page. I am just playing around and I dont really know what I am doing yet. So bear (bare?) with me, I will try to make this better than it is currently. Thanks!

Seek and ye shall find

Oh, i assure you that this page is safe. If you want to hear the wav, go to view, options, security, click safety level, medium, okay. I swear it wont hurt you!

Please Please PLEEEEEEAAASE sign my guestbook. It takes like a minute and i really like hearing from people so just do it okay? Thank you!

Reflection of the Day: The problem with this world today is that too few people have the courage to love each other. Grow some balls people!

This page is so wretchedly old, you have to forgive me. I am trying to do little updates but I am still mostly braindead on the art of making webpages. Sorry.

Sign My Freakin Guestbook or Else! View My Guestbook Signed by ALL!!!!


Cool Links

I like to complain
Stuff about the one who wrote this
Fun stuff me and my friends do in our exciting town
My OTHER page. It sucks, dont go there!
All my female friends...I love you guys!
My guy friends
Exs and how real men should treat their women
Things that I think about before I go to bed
Jobs I have held and hope to hold, overall commentary on how much they suck
Stupid things that people do (me included)
Trivial things that people do in high school
Links to more of my pages and other stuff.... very experimental
