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09/July/2001- Well, time flies quickly. It's been well over a year since I have touched this website. I don't know what happened, I guess the novelty of it just wore off. Or maybe just lack of time. I thought I'd fill you in on what's been keeping me away from this site the past year because I'm proud of myself and I want to brag!;) Well about a week ago I graduated. Finally I'm outta there! And about a month ago I got my first job because I finally realized that being broke sucks. I now work at A&W and after just getting off 2 hours ago, I still smell like burgers even after a shower. Yummy. About 2 months ago, I think, or maybe one (I don't know!), my volleyball team came 7th at provincials. The team next year will win it I'm sure. I won't be there cause I'm too old to play but I hope to contribute somewhat to the team, or at least be a groupie. Well, I'm sure there's lots more that happened in last year but most of you have probably stopped reading. That's OK. I'm not that interesting. And to those of you begging for a sequel, maybe I'll be back in another year. Maybe sooner. But no promises, I'll be extra busy with college and stuff. Bye for now.
Samantha AKA Sambo B. Rambo

Hi, welcome to my page. Make sure you bookmark my page by pressing Ctrl+D right now because I am constantly improving my page. I have an award which is very cool so enter your DC page for it now. Just go into the award page and fill out the form. Also sign my guestbook!!!!! C`mon sign it I want your opinion, good or bad.
If you have any suggestions at all e-mail me at

If you have any information concerning the show, the actors,or really cool pictures, e-mail me about that too. Or...If you just want to talk feel free to e-mail me, I'll probably e-mail you back.


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VIVA (Vancouver Island Volleyball Association)
BCVA (BC Volleyball Association)

Lots of thanks to Kelie at for letting me use this picture.

DISCLAIMER: I am not in contact with any of the actors featured on this page. Many of the pictures are from other pages so if you have any problems if your pictures are up here, email me.