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Blue's Clues Lyrics

The Breakfast Song
Another beautiful day
What shall I do first? Ahh, I know

When morning comes?
I need some fuel to make the day go right
My muscles, bones, heart and brain
Have whopping appetites
My tummy grumbles
As I stumble towards my first meal of the day
I need a yummy breakfast
So Join me as I say

Pass me the granola
I put in a bowl-a

And orange juuice
How about some toast?
Eggs will really please me
Please make them over easy
With syrup
A big glass of milk
How about some fruit?
Mmm, fruit is a hoot

The Birthday Song!
Have a happy Birthday You!
We'll have a great day too!
Everybody play,
It's Blue's special day.
Happy birthday!

The Planet Song!
Well the Sun's a hot star,
Mercury's hot, too.
Venus is the brightest planet,
Earth's home to me and you.
Mars is the red one,
And Jupiter's most wide.
Saturn's got those icy rings,
And Uranus spins on its side.
Neptune's really windy,
And Pluto's really small.
Well we wanted to name the planets,
And now we've named them all.

Blue's Clues Theme Song
STEVE: Oh, Ok, so to play Blue's clues... we gotta find a...
KIDS: Pawprint!
STEVE: Right 'cause that's the first...
KIDS: Clue!
STEVE: Yeah! And then we put it in our notebook

'Cause they're Blue's clues... Blue's clues......

We gotta find another pawprint...
That's the second clue!

We put it in our notebook 'cause they're who's clues? Blue's clues...

We gotta find the last pawprint,
That's the third clue! We put it in our
notebook 'cause they're Blue's clues... who's
clues? Blue's clues! You know what to do!
Sit down in our thinking chair and think... think... thi-i-ink!
Cause when we use our minds and take a step at a time,
We can do any THING... that we wanna do!
STEVE: Ok... it's clue time!

We Just Figured out Blue's Clues
We just figured out Blue's clues!
We just figured out Blue's clues!
We just figured out Blue's clues!
We just figured out Blue's clues...
Because we're really smart!

Time for so long
Now it's time for so-long
But we'll sing just one more song
Thanks for doing your part!
You sure are smart!
You know, with me and you and my dog Blue...
We can do any THING... that we wanna do!

Letter Song
"We just got a letter,
We just got a letter,
We just got a letter,
I wonder who it's from?"

Mail Song
Here's the mail, it never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes I want to wail - Mail!

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