I try to be with you and sometimes you are nice
though sometimes you totally ignore me.
It's the same with a lot of people
inside my head everyone sometimes just hate me
and I don't know if it's true or not
Cause I can't ask you how you feel
And though you have very nice clothes you can
from time to time be a bitch, not even noticing me about
And I hate when you do that
But I guess you have your reasons and it's my fault after all.
You think I'm laughing, but I'm sad
You're a mean person but sometimes nice. Then I love you.
But it's my fault after all, I think. But I don't know.



one day I can be happy and friends with everyone
the the next day I'm a stranger again

go away from this stupid page



everyone has a life. Even though sometimes it is boring.
I once didn't have a life. I just went
along with all the others, did what they told me to do. But you saved
me from that. You gave me a life. A mind.

My life still is pretty messy. And I
sometimes don't know what to do. But when I'm lying in your bed
hugging you I can't see any problems. I can't see why I'm depressed most
of my sparetime.
When I look at you, lying on your bed in the light of a candle
you're so beautiful I can't even speak.
If there was a way of telling you how much I love you, I'd tell
you that. But nothing can ever express the feelings I'm
having. I can't explain. But I hope you know.




go away from this stupid page

yet once more english poems

utanför mitt fönster
frost och kyla. De vill
ta mig i sin famn
För att sedan
försvinna ifrån mig.
JaG Ligger ensam nu
ensam i
mig själv.
Jag ligger och tänker
I morgon är de här igen
men snart är de borta
I morgon är de borta