Waynes World
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Waynes World

Touched By An Angel

The Gift Of Friendship

Guardian Angel



Howdy all welcome to my world.Sit tight your're in for a real treat My name is Lee however few use it. Most people have a name for me, swear I answer to 2 dozen different names*L* and no they are not all bad,just a few ,and yes at one time one of those names was wayne =) . Okay now to tell my story I live where I lay my hat,but Nova Scotia will always be home to me.Nobody can drink beer like a Bluenoser. I am a bit ODD but that is something I strive for in my life. What makes me ODD could be because I wear 2 different colored sneakers,actually out grew that stage,wasn't annoying my mother anymore. The Peanut Butter and Relish sandwhiches I eat or my love of Plaid Shirts.I've declared myself the Queen Of Plaid,and I must say I look damn sexy in a flannel shirt*L* Those who know me will tell you I'm different but that's what makes me who I am.I strive to be different in ways that others are not.You can be different and like everyone else ,or you can be different ,and on your own. I'm a simple person love to Read , Write enjoy Sports the Outdoors , Walking in the rain, and the best ever Star gazing.I live for the Simpsons,they are the only reason the tv gets turned on.I take pleasure in knowing they make my life look normal. My goal in life ? Easy to show all I meet just how beautiful they really are. I believe all people to be beautiful in their own way. Now for a bigger look into my world. . Some say I am crazy *L* Nawww Just out to see as much of life as I can.I want to see and do it all. No worries I will *Wink*

Life is what you make it. You don't like where your life is headed ,change it.

I admit I've always done as I wanted and don't see that changing anytime soon

I have been lucky enough to meet some really great people in my travels,and yes I admit that at one point I was living out of a suitcase *L*

Rosey.Traveler,Lula, lyla,and the rest of the crew thanks for keeping me in line,and somewhat out of trouble.We have had some good times together with many more to come.You have all shown me what true friends are.You have been there for me through it all,and still think I am a good egg. I appriciate it,more than you know. I have learned something important from you all.

I have come to learn about living a stable life ,and you know it's not that bad*L* I miss just picking up and going off to see the world,but as we get older things change.

What was once important to me,isn't so much anymore.At last I know what I want out of life.Stand back all because I intend to get what I want I have come to learn about love,friendship,and trust.I have learned to love today,and realize that tomorrow is a gift.

Life changes in a heart beat,that I won't ever forget.

The only thing stopping us from getting out of life what we really want is ourselves.

Live for the moment,and realize that in the end life is just one big memory.

When I look back upon my life I want to remember the laughter,the tears,and even the pain.

It's been said I am a rebel,but I am just out to make sure the world doesn't step all over me.

I love my Kinders ,and glue,and I will NEVER grow up*L*

Well folks that's a look into my world. I would like to again thank my friends. You have all touched me in a way not to be forgotten Let me leave you with a few words of wisdom. No amount of pain should ever stop us from loving life. We must all maintain respect for the significance of our own lives as well as for the lives of others Thanks for stopping in and remember it's better to burn out then fade away

Email: schelegall@hotmail.com